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Need an Easy Way to Boost Conversions, Sales and Profits Online?

"You're Moments Away from Instant Access to Your Personal Library of Fill-in-The-BlanksTime-Tested Marketing Templates, From Proven Online Marketing Experience!"

Use The Templates for Your Own Business,
Your Clients or Your Customers

Just $17
Regularly $59.97

Pay using Paypal account or Credit Card

Or keep reading for more details...

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Pay close attention, if you’re interested in:

Dear Fellow Online Business Owner,

If you’ve been thinking there must be an easier way to market your business and feel frustrated when you tell yourself, “I should do that,” but never get around to it and aren’t growing your business as much as you’d like, this is 100% for you. Take just 5 minutes to read this very important message, so you don’t miss this very limited-time opportunity to save plenty of time, tap into proven online marketing experience and boost your own bottom line. 

Have you ever experienced any of the following: 

If so, keep reading because you’re about to discover one of the biggest business building shortcuts to come along in a long time. 

We All Start out with the Greatest of Intentions...

You’ve probably been there. You start your new business or project with the greatest of intentions. You get your site set up, maybe create a product for sale and bring in some new customers. But then you start coasting, just hoping that the momentum of incoming customers will continue.

But it just really doesn’t work that way, does it? 

Let’s face it. You’re busy. You have plenty of things to keep you busy in your business. Not to mention the fact that you’re trying to run an online business, so you have more time for LIFE. You certainly don’t want to be chained to your computer 24/7 to get new leads and customers…and now you don’t need to be. 

I’ve been at this for a long time and I know what works and what doesn’t, and have done most of the work for you

Tap into My Years of Online Marketing Experience with My Fill-in-the- Blanks Templates and Insider Strategies to Quickly and Easily Launch Ongoing Results-Driven Marketing Campaigns

Why do all the hard work when I’ve done it for you? I am Mike Gaudreau and I would like to invite you to tap into my nearly 7 years online marketing experience to focus on what works and get it done faster. There’s no need to make things complicated, when they can just be simple

I am the owner of The Wealthy Boomers, A site dedicated to helping boomers and seniors earn some income online. I have created many lead generating reports, blog posts, and newsletters that help explain proper and ethical online marketing. You don’t have to be in my demographic to benefit from this material.

the wealthy boomers


Thanks for these tips. This is a good reminder to be constantly learning to develop those skills to make your marketing more and more effective. I think many new marketers make things more complicated than they need to be. I like your simple steps for building lists.
Great points here. I would say these points apply to most all kinds of communication such as videos, audios, and emails. I find myself forgetting this often, even as recent as today so very timely info here to keep in mind for the long term. The is very well done with lots of killer nuggets.

There’s nothing worse than sitting down at the computer and not knowing what you should do next to grow your business. Or what about when you know what you’re supposed to be, but the thought of starting from scratch is just daunting and seems to mostly inspire procrastination?

Well, no more excuses because I am going to show you exactly what you need to do and put much of it together for you. I provide you with:

You receive a complete package, so you can focus on a particular strategy and put your continuous marketing system into place. 

Get The Tools You Need for Your: 

I provide you with a variety of templates, checklists and other tools to accelerate your marketing. 

Blog Planning and Content Template Package - $59.97 value

The Blog Planning and Content Insider’s Guide and blog planning calendar, blog planning sheet, weekly planner, a variety of helpful checklists, content templates and more. 

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Affiliate Product Launch Recruitment Package - $59.97 value

The Affiliate Recruitment Insider’s Guide, affiliate recruitment checklist, affiliate directories list, recruitment email templates and examples, JV signup page template and example, JV tools page template and example, JV tracking spreadsheet and KPI stats worksheet.

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Goal Setting for Internet Marketers Package - $59.97 value

The Goal Setting Insider’s Guide, goal setting worksheet, goal to-do list, audience building ideas, audience tracking spreadsheet, income producing ideas, bookkeeping spreadsheet, product promo ideas, product launch and promo tracking spreadsheet, daily, weekly, monthly planners.

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Social Media Template Package - $59.97 value

The Social Media Insider’s Guide, content planner and 9 checklists for all the popular social media channels. You also get social media graphics and quotes to share with your audience. 

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Webinar Selling Template Package - $59.97 Value

The Webinar Selling Insider’s Guide, webinar planning checklist, webinar signup page template and sample, webinar thank you page template and sample, webinar outline, webinar slide show template, affiliate recruitment email, 5-part promotional email series and 5-part follow up email series.

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Kindle Publishing Template Package - $59.97 value

The Kindle Publishing Insider’s Guide, author bio page templates with sample, book information page template and sample, book outline worksheets, topic research and brainstorming worksheets, Kindle formatting guide and templates, Kindle publishing checklists and book cover images and templates.

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Example Time & Cost to Create On Your Own:

Profiting From Free Offers Templates PackageTime to CreateCost to Create

Insider Guide

4 Hours


Sign-Up Page, Thank You Page and Thank You Email Templates

3 Hours


Follow Up Emails

3 Hours



2 Hours



2 Hours


Presentation Template

5 Hours



3 Hours


Total time to create: 22 hours

Total cost to create: $2550

How to Leverage Templates to Grow Your Business

There are limitless ways these template packages and strategies can help you grow and connect with your audience…and help you sell more products. Let’s just look at a few of the strategies that can help you save time and work more cost-effectively to get BIG results for your business. 

Strategy #1: Grow Your Audience and Sell More Stuff

Imagine starting your work day with much of you work done for you. There’s no need to wonder on what to focus on or how to do it…just fill in the blanks, follow the instructions and you’re ready-to-go.

All the templates are backed by my long experience. I’ve tried it all and know what works and what doesn’t, so there’s no need to go through trial and error and wasting time on strategies that simply don’t work. 

Strategy #2: Outsource More Efficiently and Cost-Effectively

As a busy entrepreneur, you know that it’s not possible to do ALL the tasks for your business and do them effectively. It’s easy enough to say you should outsource, but then you have to do the training. And when faced with that daunting task, it’s often easier to just say, “I’ll just do it myself.” 

But that would be a mistake.

There are only so many hours in a day and you can only fully develop so many skills. Instead, take my templates and give them to your contractors or staff…and let them run with them. Problem solved! 

Strategy #3: Boost Your Rates and Get More Client Results

Here’s the perfect way to boost your value to your clients: Just get them more results.

That’s easy to do when you have the proven templates that not only will help you get more results for your clients…but they’ll make you more efficient and give you more time to add even more value to your client service. 

And as you continue to save time, bring more results and charge more for your services as a result, you can easily scale your business by hiring help to deliver client service. After all, you’ve got the results-getting templates they can work from and training your team is simple. 

Strategy #4: Create & Boost the Value of Your Products

If you happen to teach Internet marketing, I don’t have to convince you just how priceless these templates are. But imagine the time and work that would go into creating such tools. Actually no, don’t imagine it because you don’t need to do it. I’ve already done it for you. 

You can pass them onto your paid coaching clients. Or you can use them to the boost the value of your existing products.  

So many options and plenty of time to implement them all.

Get ThemToday and Receive These Extra Useful Tools

Not only do you receive instant access to the templates, for a limited time, you can also grab these handy useful tools to make your online marketing a breeze. 

Limited Time Bonus #1 - Value $47

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Limited Time Bonus #2 - Value $47

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Limited Time Bonus #3 - Value $47

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Limited Time Bonus #4 - Value $47

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Right now, for a short time only, you can grab all those extras and instantly download the template package for an amazingly low price – saving you a ton of money on outsourcing fees and headaches trying to figure this out yourself. Here’s how you can get started…

Ready for Instant Access to Your Fill-in-the-Blanks Templates and Insider Strategies?

Download All the Bonuses and Templates at the Lowest Price Possible...

Just $17
Regularly $59.97

Pay using Paypal account or Credit Card

Take the guesswork out of what to do next or how to do it. Use my easy-to-implement templates and get the guidance you need to grow your audience and sell more products month after month

the wealthy boomers
Mike Gaudreau

P.S. Stop working so darned hard. I’ve put the work in, made the mistakes you don’t have to and put that experience into these proven templates to keep you on task with growing your business month after month.

P.P.S. Buy now and get the best price possible. You’ll be kicking yourself if you wait and miss out on the bonuses and have to pay more. 

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