Leadsleap Funnel System 1
LeadsLeap Funnel System Custom Pages
Here are some custom pages you can use for the system.
Under each page is a share code that you can use with the LeadsLeap Page
You can then import the page into your own account and edit the page with
your own headlines etc.
NOTE: Make sure to change the list ID and redirect link with your own ID's.
Share Code:
Leadsleap Funnel System 2
Share Code: KTJfVZwU
Share Code: KTKVZnU
Leadsleap Funnel System 3
H ow To Use The Import Codes
Log in to your LeadsLeap account and click the "My Landing Pages" option
under "Landing Page Builder" on the left-hand menu.
Now click the "Add a new campaign" button.
A popup will now appear and you can enter the name of the new campaign
and click the "Add Now" button to create.
Once the campaign is added click the "+" button to import a page.
Enter your share code from one of the pages above and then click the
"Import Now" button to import the page into the campaign.
Leadsleap Funnel System 4
Now click the "Launch Editor" button to edit the newly imported page.
Once the editor has loaded click the "1. List" option in the left-hand menu.
Now enter your List ID for your LeadsLeap funnel system that you setup on
the systems page.
Enter the link below into the "Redirect Subscriber to a Custom URL" input,
and replace your LeadsLeap Username at the end of the URL.
Leadsleap Funnel System 5
Click the checkbox to "Open in a new window".
You can now edit the page as you see fit and then make sure to click the
green save button in the top right.
You can now close the editor and remember to activate the page by clicking
the "Activate this page" link.
You can now promote your new page using the campaign link.
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