Andrew Parker

25 Doomsday Survival Kit Essentials

A doomsday scenario does exactly what it says on the tin, but there are ways to survive after it. The most important thing is to have a bunch of essential items stockpiled. But what should you keep? We’ve got just the list of items for you. Here are 25 survival essentials you should collect in case of disaster. Even if it never happens to you, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


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Editorial Credit: UladzimirZuyeu / Shutterstock.

First is the most essential thing of all, and that’s water. You should have at least one gallon of water per person per day, which you can use for both drinking and cleaning. Make sure you keep the water in strong containers that can weather any storm, and change your supply every six months so the water stays fresh.

Water Filter

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Editorial credit: dkroy / Shutterstock.

But what do you do when the water runs out? You can’t exactly go to the local lake and start drinking. Instead, pack a water filtration tool that’ll turn that dirty pond water into something much more drinkable. You don’t have to buy anything too expensive as there are cheap products like straws that filter as you sip or even filters to put on your water bottles.

Non-Perishable Food

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Editorial credit: successo images / Shutterstock.

It’s not exactly the most delicious, but you’ve got to have a large supply of non-perishable food. It can include canned food or dried fruits with a long shelf life, which can give you some nutrition. If you’ve got dried food, try getting ones that need just a little water or heating so you don’t end up using too much of these precious resources.

First Aid Supplies

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Editorial Credit: showcake / Shutterstock.

You never know what injuries you’ll need to treat when medical help is unavailable, so make sure you get a first aid kit. It should have your basics, like bandages and antiseptic cream, as well as some pain relief and any medication you take. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you also pack non-latex gloves and a thermometer, among other things.

Flashlights and Batteries

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Editorial Credit: Becky Wright Photography / Shutterstock.

What happens when all the electricity goes out? Well, to cover that base, get some reliable sources of light like flashlights or headlamps. You’ll also need batteries for these unless you buy one of the hand-powered ones. You won’t realize just how important light is until you’re trying to do something without it.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Borshchov / Shutterstock.

Instead of packing your toolbox, you’re much better off just buying a high-quality multi-tool. Some of the best ones can do multiple things, like opening cans or repairing your gear. Plus, getting a multi-tool will cut down on wasted space that you can use to pack other essential items.

Sanitation Supplies

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Editorial credit: Art_Photo / Shutterstock.

The best way to keep infections at bay is to keep clean. To do this, you should stockpile toilet paper and hand sanitizer like it’s 2020 again, along with disinfectants. Don’t forget about your dental care and, if there are any women with you, feminine hygiene products. It’s an easy but necessary way to reduce the risks of infection or disease.

Warm Clothing and Blankets

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Editorial credit: Maya Kruchankova / Shutterstock.

Even in summer, you might be surprised at just how cold it can get without electricity. You should pack warm clothing and blankets made from waterproof materials to help maintain your body temperature. Having an extra set of gloves and socks can also make a huge difference in making you feel warm and comfortable.

Portable Stove and Fuel

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Editorial credit: NOPPHARAT79 / Shutterstock.

When you can’t use regular energy, a portable stove and fuel are your next best thing. There are so many types out there, including propane stoves and solar cookers, so choose one that’s best for you. You should also pack a variety of fuel options like wood chips or alcohol burners, just in case.

Communication Devices

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Editorial credit: 4 season backpacking / Shutterstock.

Let’s not forget just how important staying informed is, too. Forget about TV or the internet because they’ll take a while to come back online. Instead, invest in a battery-powered or hand-crank radios so you can get emergency broadcasts. If that’s not your thing, a satellite phone will let you communicate with others when the usual networks are down.


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Editorial credit: Stanislav71 / Shutterstock.

No, we’re not suggesting you start gardening as a hobby. Packing seeds will help you stay food-independent and give you the power to grow fresh produce year after year. You’ll never need to rely on other people again. Plus, according to one British psychological study, doing a bit of gardening can also help you mentally.

Gardening Tools

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Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

But before you pack your seeds, make sure you put some gardening tools in there as well. After all, you really don’t want to be digging holes in the dirt with your bare hands. Having the right tools will help you with every stage of gardening, from tilling to watering. This way, you’ll grow more with so much less.


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Editorial credit: Nirat.pix/ Shutterstock.

Okay, this one might sound a little strange, but hear us out. So far, we’ve been preparing for what to do when disaster strikes, but what do you do afterward? How are you going to prove who you are or what you own? That’s why having copies of your most important documents is so important. Hide them in a waterproof and safe spot so you can pick up the pieces later.


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Editorial credit: Pickadook / Shutterstock.

Although the Pew Research Center reported that more Americans are becoming cashless, your credit card’s going to be completely useless if the grid goes down. Keep a stash of the green and coins handy because they’re your best bet for getting essentials. You can’t exactly use your phone to buy a loaf of bread when there’s no electricity.

Solar Chargers

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Editorial Credit: Shyntartanya / Shutterstock.

Solar chargers are an absolute must for any doomsday scenario and even outside of that. They’re eco-friendly and will keep your gadgets going when there’s no outlet in sight. But make sure you pack enough for all your devices. The last thing you want to do is to fight with your loved ones over who gets to charge their phone first.


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Editorial credit: Adolfo Rodriguez Aguilar / Shutterstock.

Getting lost is no joke when you can’t just whip out your phone for directions. That’s why it’s so important to have a compass and up-to-date physical maps meaning you’ll always know where you’re going. According to CNET, two-thirds of under-25s can’t read a map, so to avoid being like them, brush up on your skills.


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Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Since early human history, fire has been an absolutely vital resource, and that’s still true even during doomsday. Yes, a fire can keep you warm, but it’s also an easy way to cook or even boil some water. Get some waterproof matches and fire starters that you can use to make a blaze under any conditions.

Duct Tape

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Editorial Credit: Studio_Fennel / Shutterstock.

Stick with us for this one. Duct tape can fix almost anything and can be really useful to patch things up when you can’t exactly take them to the repair shop. You can even use it in a medical emergency, like strapping up a sprained ankle. It’s practically a toolbox on a roll and should be part of every doomsday kit.

Insect Repellent

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Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

This one’s particularly important during the summer. When the world’s gone upside-down, the last thing you need is to get sick from a bug bite, so stock up on some insect repellent. You’ve also got so many choices to go for, including DEET sprays and natural oils, that’ll stop you from feeling an itch.

Sleeping Bag

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Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

A good sleeping bag can mean the difference between shivering through the night and getting a cozy rest. If you’ve got the money, splurge a little and get one that’s a little comfier than the others. If not, then just get one that’ll work for whatever weather you’re in, and don’t forget that extra layer of insulation.


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Editorial credit: PicMy / Shutterstock.

When the going gets tough, a little distraction can go a long way. Of course, video games and Spotify will be completely useless without electricity, so pack some books or board games to help you pass the time. You could even get a deck of cards to keep your spirits up when things get real bad.


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Editorial credit: Sergii Sobolevskyi / Shutterstock.

This one’s definitely not for the vegetarians or vegans out there. Sure, fishing’s a great way to unwind, but it’s also a genuine way to put some food on the table when the usual options are…well, off the table. The American Sportfishing Association said there are 60 million American anglers, so get out there and join this community.

Safety Whistle

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Editorial credit: Fuss Sergey / Shutterstock.

A safety whistle is something so important and tiny that you won’t realize you’re carrying it until you really need it. With just a quick blow, you’ll let any rescuers know that you’re nearby without wasting precious electricity. Even when it’s not the end of the world, a safety whistle is still pretty useful.


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Editorial credit: endeavor / Shutterstock.

Sure, you can use a tarp to keep the rain away, but it’s also so much better than that. You can use a trap to catch and store rainwater or perhaps carry supplies back to camp without having to make a dozen trips. And on those slightly better days, you could even use it as a picnic blanket.

Glasses or Contacts

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Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Having an extra pair of glasses or contacts will keep things in focus and also give you a sense of independence, which is so important when the world’s upside down. If not, pack a pair of sunglasses because they can protect you from any dust or debris flying around.

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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