mike gaudreau

Mike Gaudreau – Owner of Wealthy Boomers



Hi there! My name is Mike Gaudreau, and I am a retired Information Technology and Telecommunications project manager. My Wife and I are empty nesters and highly active travelers. We also like to stay in good health by eating right and remaining physically active. In short, we fit the typical boomer profile. “Hey, Boomer”.

Here you will find information about what works in online marketing

    • List building
    • Quality content creation
    • Engagement with my followers
    • Sharing what works and pointing out what does not work
    • Sharing the tools and training that work
    • Quality traffic sources

I hope you join me as we learn together to make money online the proper way.

Again, I am Mike. Wonderful to meet you and feel free to contact me if you ever need anything.
Mike Gaudreau, founder of The Wealthy Boomers
[email protected]

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