Mike Gaudreau

3 Tips Getting Your Front Exterior Up to Scratch

home improvment

Keeping your home up to scratch is an ongoing and, often, drawn-out task. We spend hours mulling over our interiors. What kitchen countertops would look best. What flooring would best suit the bathroom? What shade should we use on the walls in the lounge? What furniture will be practical and aesthetically pleasing? The list goes on. But one area of our homes that we often neglect is our front yard and the general front exterior of our properties. This is best avoided. After all, this is the first impression your property will have on people. It’s what passers-by will see on a day to day basis. It’s what your neighbours will look at the day in and day out. So, it’s about time that you put a little more effort and focus into what the front of our properties look like. Here are some areas of focus to get you started out on a path to success!

The Driveway

Got a driveway? How is it looking? Over time, driveways can begin not only to dull in appearance, but they can also begin to shift and sink, creating an uneven surface to drive and park your vehicle on. It’s important that you keep on top of your driveway, bringing in help to rectify any issues as and when they arise. Sure, it may be easy to put this off. But make it a priority. It will make all the difference to your day to day experience in your home and can be important for general safety too! Look into driveway repairs and driveway interlock. This can resolve any issues you may have.

The Garden

Do you have any green space, such as a front garden, trees, hedges or flowers? You need to make sure that you maintain these, or they can become unruly and start making your home look neglected or even abandoned. The easiest way to keep on top of greenery around your home is to hire gardeners to visit once every two to three weeks. If you have a lawn, they will be able to mow it. They will also be able to complete a number of other tasks, such as trimming hedges, pulling weeds and maintaining flower beds. For trees, you may have to use the services of a tree surgeon. They will be able to keep things neat and proper and also prevent trees from blocking light, blocking your view or encroaching onto neighbours’ property.


If you have fences or gates made of wood, you’ll need to keep on top of the woodwork. This is simple. You only need to purchase some paint that is for wood and outdoor use and top it up. This will keep things looking fresh and new. If you notice any breaks, you may need to call in a professional to repair or replace panels.

These are just a few areas to start out with. Each can make all the difference to the appearance and safety of your home, so is more than worth the investment.

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mike gaudreau

Mike Gaudreau is the owner of The Wealthy Boomers, a site devoted to helping seniors make money online. Mike resides in Montreal Canada.

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