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The Complete Email Marketing Success Guide

This course will show you the right way to go about email marketing, pointing out the do’s and the don’ts. The material  is drawn from experience building a responsive list and aligns with current  best practice.

topics Covered

Building Relationships With Your list

How to commence and maintain rapport with your audience. How to get them to know, like and trust you.

How To Craft Subject Lines That Get Clicked

The subject line is the key to getting your email noticed, opened, and read. Learn the ones that work.

How To Create Informative Content

Content is king. You will learn how to research and write it so that it adds value.

creating Compelling Calls To Action

Learn how to get your readers to take your desired action.

simplifying and improving the process

Learn some important strategies and techniques to help things go smoothly.

View The Author's Overview of This Course

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Author spotlight

Mike Gaudreau is a Canadian internet marketer living in Montreal. He owns The Wealthy Boomers, a site devoted to helping anyone, especially baby boomers, learn the craft of making money online in an ethical and proven way. Mike is also partner owner in several traffic generating sites. His informative newsletter is currently followed by over 3000 people.

What readers say

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Great points here. I would say these points apply to most all kinds of communication such as videos, audios, and emails. I find myself forgetting this often, even as recent as today so very timely info here to keep in mind for the long term.  The course is very well done with lots of killer nuggets.

Thanks for these tips. This is a good reminder to be constantly learning to develop those skills to make your email marketing more and more effective.  I think many new marketers make things more complicated than they need to be. I like your simple steps for building lists. The course is the right balance of information and practical application. 

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25 Done For You

Get 25 done for you internet marketing templates that you can use for your newsletter or even for content on your site. Just make a few changes and away you go. A real time saver!

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Act Now And Get Our TOP 10 EMAIL MARKETING MISTAKES Guide and Infographic!

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