Andrew Parker

18 Crazy Events From the ’70s We’re Still Trying to Understand Today

The ‘70s were certainly a time to be alive because, in between the funky disco beats and crazy fashion, there was never a dull moment. There were some unique events during this decade that only people who were around at the time will remember. Here are 18 events from the ‘70s that today’s crowd might not even know about, but the real Boomers do.

Disco Demolition Night Goes Boom

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Editorial credit: Johnmaxmena2 /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Starting off our list is probably the most explosive event of the 1970s, which was the Disco Demolition Night of 1979. At Comiskey Park, people decided to blow up a crate of disco records between doubleheader games. Sounds fun, right? Unfortunately, it turned into a full-blown riot, with people storming the field and causing such a commotion that they had to cancel the second game.

The Gas Shortage

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Editorial credit: David Falconer /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Back in the ‘70s, there was a huge gas shortage that left many people sitting in a huge line at the pump, just hoping there’d be some left when their turn came. It all started with an OPEC oil embargo and showed us just how hooked we were on foreign oil. While it was painful, this gas shortage also made us realize that we needed to change the way we thought about energy.

Skylab’s Surprise

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Editorial credit: NASA /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Who could forget the moment when Skylab fell from the sky in 1979? People were afraid about where it would crash and if anyone would be killed. The pieces ended up scattered across Western Australia, and thankfully, nobody was injured. Watching on TV as that space station came tumbling to Earth felt like a real-life science fiction movie.

No More Missed Shows

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Editorial credit: Santeri Viinamäki/ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

At the tail-end of the ‘70s came the VCR, which, at the time, seemed like it was from the future. Suddenly, you could record your favorite shows and watch the latest Hollywood movie in your living room. We didn’t know it then, but the VCR helped lay the foundations for all the streaming and binge-watching we do today.

The Easiest Pet Ever

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Editorial credit: Hempdiddy /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

A Pet Rock was the perfect pet because it meant no feeding or walking. While the idea of buying a stone sounds silly today, it was an absolute hit at the time, especially among families who couldn’t afford a fluffy friend. It showed us how anything, literally anything, could become a trend, which isn’t so different from today.

A Miracle Named Louise Brown

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Editorial credit: US Government Owned Photo /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

In 1978, Louise Brown, the first baby born via IVF, was born. It was an incredible step for science that gave lots of people hope, particularly couples suffering from fertility problems. For the rest of us, it was something straight out of the future, although not everybody was happy about it at the time.

Walk This Way

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Editorial credit: Nicola_K_photos / Shutterstock.

The Sony Walkman hit the shelves in 1979 and meant that music was now a personal experience that you could take on the go. You didn’t need to drag around a boombox anymore because you could jam to your favorite songs with something that fit into your pocket. It was all just a play away.

A Serious Scandal

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Editorial credit: nyker / Shutterstock.

The Watergate scandal was one of the biggest presidential scandals in history, and it shocked America. It was a story filled with secret recordings and sneaky break-ins, along with a whole lot of cover-ups. For those of us watching at the time, it was a constant topic of conversation with twists that we never saw coming.

Snowed In

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Editorial credit: K.E.V / Shutterstock.

The Blizzard of ‘78 was something else because it slammed the Northeast with so much snow that cities were buried. Schools and many other places were forced to close down, so for a few days, the world seemed to stand still. Anyone who lived through it will remember the eerieness of how quiet it was and the sense of community spirit as we dug out from the chaos.

Lights Out

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Editorial credit: Khoonphoon Paungpun / Shutterstock.

There were also man-made disasters during the ‘70s, like the New York City Blackout of 1977. The city that never sleeps plunged into darkness for a crazy 25 hours, and with no electricity during the summer heat, things got pretty chaotic. There was looting and a whole lot of mayhem, but also plenty of people coming together to help each other.

Play On

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Editorial credit: Corina Daniela Obertas / Shutterstock.

Pong was the beginning of our obsession with video games, even though it was extremely simple and involved just two paddles and a ball. When it hit the arcades and the living rooms in the early ‘70s, it quickly became a sensation and gave us endless hours of fun. It’s hard to imagine now, but Pong was really the start of it all.

Breaker, Breaker

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Editorial credit: Junglecat /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

If you weren’t on the CB radio in the ‘70s, you were seriously missing out. It wasn’t just for truckers as they became a nationwide craze that made phrases like “10-4” and “What’s your handle?” part of our everyday conversations. It was like social media before social media was even a thing.

A Long-Awaited End

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Editorial credit: Combatcamerauk / Shutterstock.

With the fall of Saigon in 1975 came the end of the Vietnam War, a bloody conflict that had cost way too many lives. For anyone who served or protested against the war, it was an important part of the decade. The end of the war gave a sense of relief and sadness as we thought about all the things that happened during those awful years.

Too Close

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Editorial credit: George Sheldon / Shutterstock.

The Three Mile Island nuclear plant’s partial meltdown was a wake-up call about nuclear energy. Thankfully, nobody got hurt, but the fear was very real, and it led to a nationwide debate on safety. We all became a little more cautious about all of those power plants and the dangers that they could cause.

The King is Gone

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Editorial credit: Dorota Szymczyk / Shutterstock.

Sadly, the ‘70s also saw the death of music as Elvis Presley passed away in 1977. His sudden demise made us all heartbroken, and it truly marked the end of one of the most incredible eras of music. It didn’t matter if you were a die-hard fan or if you just enjoyed his music because it was a moment that we all felt.

Ring, Ring

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Editorial credit: ShutterStockStudio / Shutterstock.

Can you believe the first mobile phone came out in 1973? Back then, it was a bulky and heavy brick that you could hardly fit in a briefcase, let alone your pocket. But even then, we knew it was going to change how we communicate with each other, and it’s wild to think that this was just the beginning.

Tragedy in Jonestown

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Editorial credit: Dan Schreiber / Shutterstock.

The Jonestown massacre of 1978 made us realize how dangerous blindly supporting something could be. Over 900 people died after a tragic suicide/murder event led by Jim Jones. It was a dark day with some pretty grim news coverage, and for those of us who remember it, it wasn’t an easy topic.

The Birth of Earth Day

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Editorial credit: Julia Ardaran / Shutterstock.

The first Earth Day in 1970 began the environmental movement right here in the United States. It was a time for us to raise awareness and push for real changes to protect our planet. This was when we started to think about how we’re affecting the Earth, and it kick-started all those eco-conscious groups we have today.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

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