Mira Silverwood

20 Relics Of “The Good Old Days” That Can’t Be Found Anymore

Wistfully referring to “the good old days” is often met with eye rolls from young people or anyone who doesn’t understand how good these times were. Studies indicate that half of adults over the age of 50 agree that life was better in the past, often trying to recreate lost habits and practices. From technology-free hobbies to far-flung pen pals, here are 20 relics of the past that can’t be found anymore.


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Editorial credit: Benjamin Clapp / Shutterstock.

Once essential links to the outside world, radios are pretty much obsolete nowadays except as retro decorations. The golden age of radio broadcasting stretched from the 1920s through the 1950s but swiftly ended with the introduction of television. 

Less Air Pollution

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Editorial credit: oleschwander / Shutterstock.

With fewer cars on the road and industry smog, the pandemic gave us a brief insight into a world with less air pollution. But our grandparents’ generation had already enjoyed years of cleaner air before the road became clogged with traffic. It’s no wonder older people move to the countryside. 

Drinking Water From Hoses

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Editorial credit: vovan / Shutterstock.

In the old days, people were less concerned with drinking filtered water or buying purified sources of H20. On a hot day after washing the car, it wasn’t uncommon to drink from the hose to rehydrate. 

Reading Actual Books

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Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

Before Kindles and audiobooks became mainstream, reading books in their physical form was the only way to absorb information. If people didn’t have an extensive bookshelf, they’d go to the local library and flip through novels, encyclopedias, or magazines. It might be easier to have all your books stored on one device, but it can’t beat the feeling of turning a page.

Small Neighborhoods

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Urbanization has meant that small, community-minded neighborhoods are few and far between. Life in a modest-sized neighborhood felt safer and more sociable, and the well-being of residents was higher as a result. 

Movie Rental Stores

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Editorial credit: passkphoto / Shutterstock.

The movie rental store boom began shortly after 1975 and the release of the first VCR. Iconic chains like Blockbuster soon came into being, providing families across the US with hours of entertainment and memories. But nowadays, digital downloads and streaming platforms have put movie rental stores out of business. 

Handwritten Letters

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Editorial credit: Caftor / Shutterstock.

Nowadays, schools are more concerned with a student’s ability to type than with how well they can hold a pen. But in the good old days, this was reversed. Children were expected to have impeccable handwriting as letters were the primary form of communication. 

Pen Pals

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Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Before technology made it possible to contact anyone in the world at the touch of a button, penpals were a great way to exchange cultures. Pen pal relationships were popular in the pre-internet age, serving as language practice, friendship building, and cultural exchange. There’s something more exciting about receiving a letter from a far-flung corner of the world than a message coming through on social media. 

Freedom From Technology

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Editorial Credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

While digital detoxes are becoming popular, it’s almost impossible to achieve the freedom from technology enjoyed by older generations. Imagine not having the choice to scroll through social media because it simply didn’t exist. 


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Editorial credit: eskystudio / Shutterstock.

A few decades ago, local libraries played a pivotal role in the community, serving as a quiet place to study or a location for groups and clubs to meet. Before Google made completing homework easier, libraries were often the only place for students to research various topics. 

Having 5 TV Channels

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Editorial credit: mike mols / Shutterstock.

Before the 1990s, having five TV channels was the norm for homes across America, and nothing more was expected. While two of these channels were likely dedicated to the news, it certainly made it easier to choose a show. 

Walking to School

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Editorial credit: Creativa Images / Shutterstock.

Kids these days don’t use their legs enough, according to their grandparents, and part of this is because they’re no longer expected to walk to school. In the old days, children had to trudge their way to school come rain or shine. It was a great way to get some exercise and fresh air before sitting in a stuffy classroom.

TV Guides

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Editorial credit: Polarpx / Shutterstock.

Flicking through a paper TV guide is another practice lost to the digital age, and one anyone who lived through the 1980s will miss. Grabbing a pen and circling the shows we were interested in for that week was a great pastime. 

Cheap Gas

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Editorial credit: J.J. Gouin/ Shutterstock.

Gas prices today are outrageous, making a once inexpensive road trip unaffordable. The topic of petrol cost is often met with dismay by older people, who fondly remember the days of cheap gas across the nation. 

Face-To-Face Conversations

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Talking to someone face-to-face used to be a part of daily communication, but it’s becoming a relic of the past. With social media apps, texting, and sending emails, the classic in-person conversation is becoming less common among the younger generation. 

Quality Food

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Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

In the past, fast food was more difficult to obtain, and chains such as McDonald’s were just becoming popular or didn’t exist. As such, people ate more home-cooked meals and used fresher ingredients. It wasn’t convenient, but it was healthier, and these meals usually tasted better. 

Cassette Tapes

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Editorial Credit: Shaiith / Shutterstock.

Anyone who lived through the 80s will remember the Sony Walkman or any device that allowed them to play their favorite cassettes. For a time, cassette tapes were the most popular music-playing format, and their compact design was considered a marvel. 


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Editorial credit: Saku Schildt / Shutterstock.

After cassette tapes and CDs, but before the invention of Spotify, iPods reigned supreme. Apple was the first company to create a compact device with room for an entire music library. The iPod was an iconic but fleeting item when paired with the signature wired headphones. 

Neighborhood Watch

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Editorial credit: Palm.Calm / Shutterstock.

It’s becoming harder to access community spirit in an age where everyone is busy and no one has time to look out for each other. Neighborhood Watch was a program that involved neighbors watching local houses and reporting suspicious activity. It brought communities closer together and made everyone feel a whole lot safer.

Episodic Viewing

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Binge-watching our favorite TV shows is common practice in the age of Netflix and other streaming services. But before we had control over our viewing schedules, we had to watch TV shows the traditional way, one episode at a time. This meant anticipating the next episode or a season finale would build to a fever pitch as viewers discussed their take on the plot. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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