Thomas Robinson

21 Neglected Bible Teachings Modern Christians Need to Pay Attention to

The core teachings of Christianity, as understood by most Christians, are still widely practiced and preached today. However, specific passages or interpretations that could benefit are discussed less within Christian churches. We explore 21 forgotten bible teachings modern Christians ignore:

Sabbath Observance

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Editorial credit: Natursports / Shutterstock.

While not explicitly mentioned in the New Testament, the concept of the Sabbath is seen as fulfilled by Jesus’ teachings and the establishment of Sunday as the day of worship for early Christians. In a fast-paced life, many Christians would do well to enjoy a day of rest. 

Simple Living

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Editorial credit: Chinnapong / Shutterstock.

Passages in Christian teachings promoting simple living and avoiding materialism can be overshadowed by messages of prosperity or financial blessings.

Not Charging Interest To The Poor

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Editorial credit: BRAIN2HANDS / Shutterstock

The Bible contains verses addressing lending money with interest, particularly about the poor. While individuals may help people experiencing poverty, businesses and institutions often fail to deliver on their promise to support those worse off in life. 

Women in Leadership Roles

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Editorial credit: muratart / Shutterstock.

Teachings addressing women’s roles in the church can be interpreted differently, with some emphasizing traditional gender roles and others advocating for a more egalitarian approach that would take the church into the modern world. 

Stewardship of the Environment

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Editorial credit: Chinnapong / Shutterstock.

While the Bible encourages responsible care for creation, specific environmental concerns might not be explicitly addressed in the text. If Christians pay more attention to these teachings, we may better understand how we can tackle climate change concerns. 

Modesty In Dress And Lifestyle

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The Bible teaches us that modesty is important and it is the true beauty if someone lies beneath. These words would be helpful in the modern age when we are forced to conform to societal expectations of beauty. 

Peacemaking and Reconciliation

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Editorial credit: Doidam 10 / Shutterstock.

The importance of pursuing peace and reconciliation is a recurring theme in Christian scriptures, but applying it to personal conflicts and global issues can be complex. With a more profound debate around these scriptures, there is a hope that people can look to lead a more peaceful life. 

Seeking Justice For The Oppressed

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Editorial Credit: Prixel Creative / Shutterstock.

We see a concern for those oppressed in religious teachings, and people in the modern age need to do the same. In the case of fighting for justice, Christian passages can help younger generations see right from wrong. 

Looking After The Elderly

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Across many cultures, respecting elders is a cornerstone value. The Bible further emphasizes this by highlighting their wisdom, guidance, and life experience. With an emphasis on how younger generations can support their elders, the church can ensure that no older adults are left feeling isolated. 

The Importance of Community

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The Bible emphasizes the importance of community and belonging. Early Christians practiced communal living and shared meals. This strong sense of connection and support is often lacking in today’s individualistic society, and a resurgence of community spirit would be greatly welcomed by many. 


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Editorial credit: DC Studio / Shutterstock.

The Bible emphasizes showing hospitality to strangers and those in need. This value can nurture compassion, generosity, and a more welcoming society. 

Avoiding Gossip

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Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Christians are called to speak with kindness and avoid spreading rumors or gossip, which has seemingly been forgotten by many. Driven by a culture of being competitive with one another, people are often hurt when people speak about them behind their backs. 

To Avoid Focusing on Wealth

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Editorial credit: JasaStyle / Shutterstock.

While material possessions aren’t inherently wrong, Christians should avoid becoming overly attached. When we focus on a desire to be rich, we can lose touch with the true spiritual riches that Christian messages have taught us. 


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Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

The Bible teaches the practice of fasting as a way to seek God’s presence through prayer and reflection while abstaining from food. Some Catholics will fast on specific days during Lent, but fasting is generally not practiced. In today’s world, fasting can extend beyond food to include distractions like smartphones, allowing for a more focused and sincere connection with God.

Keeping Your Promises

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Editorial credit: Cat Act Art/ Shutterstock.

In all interactions, the Bible emphasizes honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness as pillars of Christian behavior. Following Jesus’ teachings, “Let your ‘Yes’ be yes and your ‘No’ be no,” emphasizes the need for clear and truthful communication. 

Being Non-Judgmental

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Editorial credit: Keep Smiling Photography / Shutterstock.

Christians are called to approach others with compassion and understanding rather than judgment or criticism. Reading about God’s grace and forgiveness can help us all treat others as we would like to treat ourselves. 

The Power Of Faith

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Editorial Credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Though life’s challenges may seem overwhelming, modern Christians can find solace and strength in the Bible’s teachings on faith. Faith provides strength and resilience when facing life’s challenges. Believing in God’s love and plan can instill hope for a better future, even in the most challenging times.

Staying Content With What You Have

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Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

As illustrated by the Apostle Paul, contentment isn’t a result of our circumstances but a product of faith. Christianity teaches us that we can be satisfied regardless of our situation and should not always feel that we “must do better”.

Be At Peace With All Men

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Editorial credit: dee karen / Shutterstock.

Colossians 3:13-14 tells us, “ forgive as the Lord forgave you,” and emphasizes how we should place the needs and feelings of others before our own in a bid to create unity within our community. 

Love Your Enemies

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Editorial credit: TATSIANAMA/ Shutterstock.

Loving your enemies goes against the human instinct for revenge, but the Bible assures us that love and acceptance can only bring genuine healing and reconciliation. 

Forgiving Debts

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Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

Christian teachings place importance on releasing resentment and past hurts. When we embrace this principle, we can let go of grudges and enjoy closer relationships without anger eating us up. 

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