Mary Anna Thomas

21 Reasons Why Florida is Not The Best Place for You to Retire

The Sunshine State has long been a favored retirement destination for Americans. However, with a rise in living costs and more instances of extreme weather, people are changing their minds and looking to retire elsewhere. Here are 21 reasons why some people might be rethinking their dream of retiring to Florida.

Hot Summers

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Editorial Credit: Lamyai / Shutterstock.

While Florida boasts sunshine most of the year, it can often reach 88°F, which can be hard for some older people. In addition to getting out and about in heavy heat, air conditioning can be expensive for retirees on a strict budget. 

No Changing Seasons

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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

While temperatures may dip throughout the year, Florida doesn’t have changing seasons like some other states. If you love a cold Christmas and a mild autumn when you retire, this is not the state for you. 


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Editorial credit: FotoKina / Shutterstock.

The threat of powerful storms looms large in Florida, so residents are constantly anxious. Retirees are especially worried about the disruption caused by hurricanes, the high cost of repairs, and potential flooding. While bad weather is expected, it can significantly impact the lives of retirees on fixed incomes, so there may be little choice but to leave. 

Healthcare Demands

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Editorial credit: Tinakorn Tankkanganasri / Shutterstock.

Like many other states, Florida faces a shortage of physicians, particularly in primary care and specialty fields such as geriatrics. This shortage makes it difficult for residents to access timely medical care and may deter retirees from moving to the state as they are likely to need healthcare as they age. 

Rising Housing Costs

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Editorial credit: SERSOLL / Shutterstock.

Affordable retirement homes are few and far between in Florida as prices in popular areas have skyrocketed. For retirees with a fixed income, a cheaper state may be more beneficial if you don’t want to blow your predicted housing budget. 

Property Taxes

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Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

Florida’s property taxes can vary greatly depending on the county and aren’t as low as some people say they are. While Florida has no state income tax, property taxes can offset some of these savings. Some counties have programs that offer property tax relief for seniors or homestead exemptions, so you should research the area you’re thinking of moving to. 

Insurance Costs

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Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

Florida’s insurance premiums can be high due to extreme weather and flood risks. Coastal areas can be especially expensive, so these costs must be factored into your retirement plans. 

Tourist Influx

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Editorial credit: Zigres / Shutterstock.

In 2023, Florida welcomed over 135 million visitors. The state’s popularity can lead to crowded beaches, busy theme parks, and traffic jams. Long lines and difficulty booking activities and restaurants don’t fit the ideal retirement lifestyle. 


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Editorial Credit: blvdone / Shutterstock.

Florida’s population is booming, driven by warm weather, job opportunities, and an influx of retirees. The population boom has led to congestion and a feeling of being constantly on the go. This fast-paced environment may only suit some people’s tastes, especially for those dreaming of vacation-like retirement minus the crowds. 

Limited Public Transportation

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Editorial credit: Christian Mueller/ Shutterstock.

While only 9% of Florida is classified as rural, citizens are very dependent on cars. Many areas in Florida are vast, and getting from place to place without a car may be difficult. For most retirees, this will not be an issue, but as health declines, elders often depend on public transport, which there is a lack of.

Not Necessarily Elder-Friendly 

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Editorial credit: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.

Florida is popular with retirement communities and is known for being senior-friendly, but that doesn’t mean it is the best choice for everyone. What one retiree loves, another will hate, so you shouldn’t assume you will be happy there. 

Environmental Issues

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Editorial credit: davidrh / Shutterstock.

Rising sea levels threaten coastal communities, and saltwater intrusion contaminates freshwater sources. This, combined with the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like hurricanes, makes Florida not for the faint-hearted. 

Political Landscape

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Editorial credit: Johnny Silvercloud / Shutterstock.

Whatever state you live in will affect your political opinion. However, Florida’s political climate might not align with everyone’s values, as it has been Republican since the 1990s. 

Limited Cultural Offerings

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Editorial Credit: Kevin Ruck / Shutterstock.

Those who want to retire to a life of visiting museums and galleries may be disappointed. Florida has limited cultural offerings compared to some states, like New York and California. While cultural hubs exist, some areas lack the variety of museums, theaters, and performances in other parts of the country.

Medicare Complications

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Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Shutterstock.

Florida’s Medicare landscape can be complex and confusing for retirees. Navigating insurance plans, supplemental coverage options, and out-of-pocket costs can be overwhelming, especially for those with limited health literacy. With over 5 million registered for Medicare in Florida, residents face high insurance premiums due to high demand and limited competition in the insurance marketplace.  


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Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

With sprawling development across the state, retirees who crave a more walkable, community-oriented environment can feel isolated. There are many purpose-built retirement villages in the state, but they can be expensive, and more affordable accommodation is often available in more rural areas.

Cost of Living

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Editorial credit: Jack_the_sparow / Shutterstock.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 275,266 people left Florida in 2022. One of the top reasons for people leaving was rising living costs. The allure of affordable living in Florida is fading fast as housing prices surge and property taxes rise. Social Security simply doesn’t stretch as far as it used to.

Distance from Family

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Editorial credit: Stock-Asso / Shutterstock.

Moving far away from loved ones can be a significant source of heartache for retirees. As health declines and the desire for family connection intensifies, the initial appeal of Florida’s sunshine can lose its luster, and people return home to be closer to their loved ones. 

Crime Concerns

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Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

While crime rates may vary depending on location, some Florida cities face high property crime levels. For retirees, any crime can create a sense of unease and insecurity, especially for those living alone. This means that some elderly Florida residents are moving to states that have lower instances of property crime and elderly crime.

Wildlife Woes

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Editorial credit: Henk Bogaard / Shutterstock.

Florida’s diverse wildlife is often a source of curiosity, but it can sometimes be scary.  While encounters with alligators and snakes are possible, they’re not as frequent as some might think. Being aware of your surroundings and respecting these creatures goes a long way in ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

Feeling Tied Down

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Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

Many retirees in Florida feel that once they buy a home and adapt to the cost of living, there is little motivation or money to travel. If budgets are tight, they tend to make the most of the good weather and affordable activities rather than spend money on a vacation. If you’re more adventurous, you may want to retire to a place that enjoys a cheaper cost of living and allows you to take vacations. 

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