Mary Anna Thomas

21 Things That Only Old People Do

Life changes quickly, and the once cool things are now cringe-worthy. As habits shift, the once commonplace things are no longer happening unless you’re a Boomer. Here are 21 things that scream “I’m old.”

Folding Laundry with Precision

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Editorial credit: Lucigerma / Shutterstock.

Older people have mastered the art of perfectly folded clothes and enjoy the satisfaction it brings. Young people, however, wouldn’t know where to start and often leave clothes in a basket until they need to wear them. 

Clipping Coupons 

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Editorial credit: igor kisselev / Shutterstock.

Saving a few bucks on groceries brings joy and helps people stick to a shopping budget. While younger people are happy to use discount codes online, only 46% of those under 35 use paper coupons, compared to 70% of those over 55, according to Capital One Shopping. 

Remembering Phone Numbers

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Editorial credit: KR_Netez/ Shutterstock.

Rote memorization of phone numbers is a thing of the past as all the numbers we need are stored in our cells or are one click away online. If someone can reel off dozens of phone numbers, even from homes they haven’t lived in for 20 years, they are probably old. 

Relying on Landline Phones

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Editorial credit: Ingo Bartussek / Shutterstock.

If old people are still memorizing phone numbers, they are likely to be reliant on landline phones. The convenience of a landline phone with a familiar ring might be a welcome comfort for older generations that struggle to use modern technology. 

Mailing Greeting Cards

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Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

Receiving handwritten cards in the mail is a lovely surprise, but the chances are they are from your aunt or your Grandpa. Younger generations will hand deliver cards to their besties, but more often than not, a text message or a social media post is often enough. 

Organizing Socials with Physical Invitations

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Editorial credit: AngieYeoh / Shutterstock.

Older generations also like to send handwritten invitations for parties and events. Aside from wedding invites, a group invite on Facebook and WhatsApp is the most convenient way to arrange a meet-up in the modern world. 

Tuning into the Radio for News and Music

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Editorial credit: Benjamin Clapp / Shutterstock.

Before the days of 24-hour TV news on social media, people would tune in to their local radio station to catch up on news. According to the Pew Research Center, those aged 55-64 are the most likely to use the radio for news and music, with younger people more likely to use streaming services. 

Recording Shows on VCRs

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Editorial credit: LIAL / Shutterstock.

Most young people will not know what a VCR is, and some may not even know what a DVD player looks like. But, before streaming services and the ability to record directly from your set-top box, older generations had a clunky VCR that they had to rewind and fast-forward.

Renting Movies at Brick-and-Mortar Stores

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Editorial credit: melissamn / Shutterstock.

Whether browsing shelves of movies to pick a Friday night film or walking to your local burger chain for takeout, life for older generations involved actually moving away from their homes. Now, there are apps to have your dinner delivered and dozens of streaming services to choose a movie from.

Maintaining a Checkbook 

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Editorial credit: Icatnews / Shutterstock.

Balancing a checkbook may be a foreign concept for some, but meticulous record-keeping comforts older people. With apps and online banking that can keep an accurate log of finances, checkbooks are uncommon these days. Research by the Federal Bank of Atlanta shows that someone who is 80 is four times more likely to use a check than 18. 

Saving Everything “Just in Case”

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Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

We all know someone who holds onto random odds and ends “just in case” they might be useful someday. The chances are that the “someone” is a parent of a grandparent, as younger people tend to be more minimalist, with influencers like Marie Kondo encouraging people to buy less.

Knowing How to Sew or Knit

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Editorial credit: Natalia Ruedisueli / Shutterstock.

When young people find a hole in their socks or their sweaters look shabby, they will likely just buy replacements. For older people, however, time will be spent sewing up the hole or knitting a new sweater. While sewing clothes is a cheaper and more environmentally friendly option, it is not something many younger generations take up.

Carrying a Wallet

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Editorial credit: Tatiana Popova / Shutterstock.

Many young people don’t even carry a bank card these days, as contactless payments can be made via smartphones. Conversely, Boomers are holding on tight to their wallets to keep their cash secure. 

Gardening to Perfection

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Editorial credit: Iryna Inshyna / Shutterstock.

It is unfair to say that younger generations don’t garden, but nobody takes pride in their garden as much as older people. While younger people enjoy doing what they can to maintain a green space, older people show dedication to nurturing a beautiful garden.

Reading a Newspaper

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Editorial credit: sebra / Shutterstock.

The past 20 years have seen a rapid decline in the readership of physical newspapers, with the largest 25 daily U.S. newspapers losing 14% of readers in the six months leading up to September 2024, according to Press Gazette

Valuing Face-to-Face Conversation

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Editorial Credit: PLotulitStocker / Shutterstock.

Many younger generations do not engage in engaging conversations without the distraction of screens. However, while younger people prefer to message or email, older generations love face-to-face chats with anyone and everyone. 

Printing Boarding Passes

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Editorial credit: nicepix / Shutterstock.

A physical boarding pass feels familiar for those who grew up before online check-in. It provides a sense of security knowing they have a concrete copy of their flight information rather than relying on technology they don’t quite trust. 

Using Correct Punctuation

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Editorial Credit: / Shutterstock.

With youngsters using abbreviations, emojis, and “text speech,” correct punctuation outside of the classroom is rare. But for older generations, there is no excuse for poor punctuation, and even the quickest text message will be essay-worthy. 

Taking Pictures with Disposable Cameras

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Editorial credit: sergo iv / Shutterstock.

The anticipation of waiting for developed photos was exciting, but the outcome was not so much. With modern technology, we can simply delete a picture we don’t like and take another. Older generations are nostalgic about using cameras with films and will use them whenever possible.

High School Reunions

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Editorial credit: Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.

Boomers often grew up in tighter-knit communities where their high school years were a central experience. Reunions offer a chance to reconnect with people who share a significant part of their lives. Fast-forward to younger generations, and people cannot wait to see the backs of their school friends. Most of them stay in touch with us on social media.

Carrying a Handkerchief 

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Editorial credit: Serhii Khomiak / Shutterstock.

Disposable tissues are easy to obtain and cheap, making cloth handkerchiefs redundant. If you see someone whip a handkerchief out now, it is likely to be an older person who has had the same one for the past 30 years. 

19 Grim Realities of Dating After 50 That Are Often Overlooked

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

19 Grim Realities of Dating After 50 That Are Often Overlooked

26 Things That Will Be Extinct Because Millennials Refuse to Buy Them

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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24 Outdated Slang Terms You Absolutely Shouldn’t Be Using Anymore

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

24 Outdated Slang Terms You Absolutely Shouldn’t Be Using Anymore

25 Hardest Parts About Getting Older That No One Ever Talks About

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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