Michelle Kent

25 Habits Retirees Should Drop for a Less Regretful Retirement

Retirement feels like that moment you’ve been dreaming about, where every day’s a Saturday, and the possibilities are endless. But before you get too excited, there are a few things you might want to get sorted first. We’ve got 25 things you should probably ditch if you want to have a fun retirement. You don’t have to get rid of any of these things, but we’d strongly recommend it.

Drowning in Paper

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got mountains of paper statements and bills that seem like they’re multiplying, then it’s time to kick those to the curb. Going digital means you’ll have less clutter and help keep a few more trees standing. Plus, it’s an easier way trying to find that one bill when you’re not digging through a drawer full of papers.

The Second Car

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Editorial credit: Sue Thatcher / Shutterstock.

It’s time to let go of that extra car you might have sitting in the driveway. Think about all the savings you can make on insurance and repairs, as well as the garage space. After all, one car means less hassle, and you’ll also be simplifying your life by enjoying just the right amount of wheels.

Too Many Memberships

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Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Let’s be honest, you’re never going to touch that gym membership from January or that magazine pile, and they’re just taking up space. Cancel any memberships you’re not using and put that extra cash towards a nice dinner or even a new hobby. Who knew decluttering could feel so rewarding?

Downsizing, Anyone?

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Editorial credit: Mark Winfrey / Shutterstock.

If cleaning your house feels like more hassle than it’s worth, then downsizing might be just right for you. A smaller space means less cleaning and more time for, well, whatever makes you happy. You’ll be able to make all kinds of new memories in a space that’s just right for this new chapter of your life.

Making Investments

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Editorial credit: Jester-Flim / Shutterstock.

Those high-risk investments might have been fun once, but retirement is meant to be a time for you to enjoy your hard-earned peace of mind. You might want to switch to something a bit steadier so your retirement’s a bit more relaxing. After all, do you want to be awake all night, worrying if your retirement funds are going to collapse?

Debt’s Dragging You Down

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Editorial credit: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.

Being debt-free sounds pretty nice, right? Dealing with those outstanding bills means your retirement should be smooth sailing without any financial anchors. If you eliminate them early enough, you’ll feel a lot lighter and ready to take on the world or at least able to enjoy your mornings without worrying about bills.

Past Fashion

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Editorial credit: luanateutzi / Shutterstock.

Retirement means it’s time for a refresh, so quit hanging onto that wardrobe that’s a blast from the past. If you’re not using them, donate them to people who will, and you could make a huge difference in their lives. It’s a win-win situation, especially if you only keep the things that make you feel like a million bucks.

Museum of Tech

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Editorial credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG / Shutterstock.

Who else has a graveyard of old phones and gadgets? Well, it’s time to say goodbye to those relics and hello to technology that doesn’t take an eternity to boot up. Clearing out the old gives you more room for gadgets that actually do what they promise without a 700-page manual. Plus, playing with the latest technology is always fun.

Kitchen Gadgets

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Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Speaking of technology, don’t forget to clear out your kitchen drawers from all that kitchen tech clutter. After all, you’re never going to use that juicer again, so there’s no need to keep hanging onto it. This way, you’ll make your kitchen spacious and functional, ready for your next cooking adventure.

Habits Holding You Back

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Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Now’s the perfect time to shake off any habits that feel like a drag and pick up some new ones. For example, why not turn off the TV to go for a walk or maybe ditch junk food for something a little healthier? Think of it like spring cleaning but for your habits, and, soon enough, swapping cookies for carrots will actually start to feel good.

Picky Friends

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Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Life’s too short to spend it with people who don’t make you feel happy, so if you’re not laughing with them, it’s time to say goodbye. You should surround yourself with people who are adding to your life instead of taking away from it. Science shows just how powerful positive thinking can truly be.

Too Much Decor

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Editorial credit: BM_27 / Shutterstock.

Your home shouldn’t look like a museum for every piece of decor you could find. Let’s channel some Marie Kondo and keep just the things that spark joy so your space can make you feel calm. It’s better for your mind, and you’ll also have a lot less to clean. What’s not to love about that?

Weary From Work

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Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

Now that you have retired, throw off that work uniform and do whatever you enjoy. Want to make some art? Do it. Feel like making pastries? Start baking. There’s no better time for you to explore the things you’re passionate about, especially since you haven’t got anybody breathing down your neck telling you what to do.

Fumbling Finances

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Editorial credit: emilie zhang / Shutterstock.

What worked for your finances yesterday might not be so great today, so with retirement here, it’s prime time to revamp your financial plan. It should match your new lifestyle and fit your current style instead of the old you. There’s quite a bit to think about, so make sure to get ahead and start planning.

Overbooked and Busy

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Editorial credit: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.

Say goodbye to your busy schedule because now’s the time to do what you enjoy and decline the rest. There’s nothing wrong with being a little selfish about your schedule during retirement. After all, you’ve earned the right to be picky, so do it. If you’re not enjoying it, it’s time to take it off the calendar.

Losing the Landline

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Editorial credit: BigBlueStudio / Shutterstock.

Sure, that landline was a lifeline for you once upon a time, but now it’s just a relic taking up space. With all that free time in retirement, you’ve got no excuse to avoid learning about smartphones and other technology. This way, you’ll be just a few taps away from your loved ones or even learning new things.

Down With Regrets

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Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

Spending too much time thinking about the past, especially on the “should haves” or “could haves,” is only going to weigh you down. Retirement should be a fresh start and the chance for you to make some new memories, so why are you wasting that time on regrets? Look forward to the endless possibilities you’ve got ahead of you instead.

Rethinking Beauty Routines

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Editorial credit: JLco Julia Amaral / Shutterstock.

Why spend hours on a beauty routine when there’s a whole world to enjoy outside your bathroom door? If you simplify your routine, you’ll save time and learn to celebrate the real beauty that’s shining from the inside. After all, confidence and happiness are the most beautiful things anyone can wear.

Easy Food

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Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

There’s no shame in eating frozen meals during your working life, as you were probably too busy to cook, but now? Yeah, it’s time to start cooking. It doesn’t have to be a chore, as long as you think about cooking as a time for you to flex your creative muscles by experimenting with recipes or flavors. Plus, research shows there are plenty of mental benefits from cooking.

Second Fridge of Freezer

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Editorial credit: Ahanov Michael/ Shutterstock.

Lots of retirees have an extra fridge or freezer running for those “just in case” moments or holidays, but they’re a complete waste. They’ll use up your energy and raise your utility bills quicker than you’ll realize, so think hard about whether you really need them. If they’re mostly empty or have only a few items in them, it’s time to unplug.

Overpriced Cable

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Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

Let’s talk TV. Streaming services allow you to watch pretty much anything you want, whenever you want, so paying for 500 channels you don’t watch is pointless. Cut the cable cord and switch to streaming to save money and get a wider catalog to choose from. You’ll get your entertainment fix in a way that makes sense and cents.

Physical Media

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Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson / Shutterstock.

We’re living in a digital age and, honestly, there’s not any reason why you should be holding onto all those old videotapes and CDs. If you’re deadset on having them, try digitizing them and donating the rest to charity, or maybe try switching to streaming. A digital library beats a physical collection any day.

Unnecessary Insurance

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Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

Retirement might be a good time for you to look over your insurance policies again. Do you still need life insurance if your kids are all grown up? Maybe not. It could be the perfect time to say goodbye to those unnecessary premiums, as long as you keep only the insurance policies that you need. 

Always Being Right

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Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

But it’s not just physical things you need to let go of, as there are plenty of personality traits worth discarding. For example, letting go of the need to always be right will help you to see the world with fresh eyes and a curious heart. Each day will give you the chance to learn something new.

The “Someday” Pile

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Finally, don’t forget to sort out that pile of “someday” things. You know the one we’re talking about, the things you’ve been holding onto for that “someday” project. Unless you’re absolutely certain that you’re going to do them during retirement, then it’s time to free up space and chuck it away.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

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