Mira Silverwood

Breaking Bad: 27 Unhealthy Habits to Bid Farewell to in Your 60s

As you turn 60, you’ll probably experience a range of emotions, from gratitude and pride to annoyance as your body starts to misbehave! To help you feel your best, here are 28 unhealthy habits to leave behind in your 50s as you enter your retirement era. While ageing is indeed a privilege, that doesn’t mean we should halt our personal growth.

 Skipping Exercise

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

As we age, staying active is crucial for both our physical and mental health. Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting that you spend hours at the gym every day, as this may not be the best approach. Studies show that just 2.5 hours of exercise per week can have wondrous effects on the body and mind. Try including different components of exercise, such as aerobic movements (brisk walking) and light weight-lifting.

Neglecting Supplements

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

If you’ve been forgetting to take supplements, your body could be missing out on key nutrients and minerals needed to stay healthy. In your 60s, your body starts to need more of certain vitamins, including D3 for healthy bones and B12 to assist with nerve function.


Editorial credit: olesea vetrila / Shutterstock.

We all know that smoking is bad, but the willpower it takes to quit puts many people off trying to stop. Thankfully, there are myriad solutions to help smokers stay tobacco free, from nicotine gum to support groups and even hypnosis.

Drinking Too Much Booze

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

As we age, it can be easy to continue unhealthy habits from our youth, such as over-indulging in wine after a long day. While it’s fine to enjoy the occasional tipple, it’s important to note that alcohol’s effects intensify as we age. What’s more, drinking can interact dangerously with any medications you may be taking.

Not Staying Hydrated

Editorial credit: Alter-ego / Shutterstock.

Drinking enough water throughout the day is one of the best and simplest habits to pick up in your 60s. Adequate hydration is the key to feeling more alert, and it can prevent many age-related health concerns. Try drinking lemon water every morning for a citrusy hydration boost.


Editorial credit: simona pilolla 2 / Shutterstock.

Too many long afternoons in the sun can take a cumulative toll on our skin, increasing the risk of brown spots, wrinkles, and cancer. It’s important to avoid hours of sun-worshiping and make sure you’re protected from harmful UV rays, which means lots of high-factor sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat.

Eating too Much Sugar

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

We’re all guilty of opening a bar of chocolate to have one piece, before swiftly devouring the whole thing. If you’ve spent years indulging your sweet tooth, now’s the time to reign it in as you enter your 60s.

Drinking Multiple Coffees Per Day

Editorial credit: goodluz / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing better than starting the day with a coffee; it aids digestion and makes us feel more alert. But consuming three or four cups per day can start having adverse effects, particularly as we age. To aid sleep and reduce anxiety, limit yourself to one or two cups in the morning.

Too Much Screentime

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Whether it’s a phone, TV, or tablet, screens are virtually everywhere. Many people find that their screen time increases drastically when they retire, but it’s important not to let technology rule your life. Studies have linked too much screen time to cognitive decline and poorer memory in older adults.

Neglecting Skincare

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

As we get older, skincare isn’t just about improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (although this is an obvious plus). Taking the time to cleanse and moisturize is an important self-care ritual that you can start at any age.

Sacrificing Hobbies

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

After years of working and raising children, many people find that their hobbies have taken a backseat in place of more practical activities. If you’ve been sacrificing your hobbies, whether it’s gardening, painting, or writing, turning 60 is the perfect time to reconnect with your beloved pastimes.

Avoiding Social Contact

Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Enjoying your own company and staying indoors aren’t bad traits to have, but be careful that it doesn’t lead to social isolation. Even if it’s just a short phone call every other day, make sure to keep in touch with friends, neighbors, family, and loved ones.

Consuming too Much News

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Spending more time watching TV often leads to a greater consumption of current affairs. While it’s important to stay current, constantly watching the news with its harrowing stories can become overwhelming. If too much news is getting you down, try reading an uplifting novel or getting out into nature.

Staying Inside All Day

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

You might be doing all the right things in terms of exercising at home, but no amount of sitting room lunges can replace fresh air. Make sure to take advantage of your garden, or go for a refreshing walk at least once per day.

Missing Vaccines

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

We’ve all foregone a vaccine or two in our time, but as we get older, the immune system gets weaker. If you’ve been skipping vaccines, consult with your doctor and create a plan for future protection against dangerous illnesses.

Breathing Through Your Mouth

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Exclusively mouth-breathing when we have a functioning nose can lead to all kinds of issues, including sleep apnea and reduced lung capacity. Unless you have a condition that prevents you from doing so, make a conscious effort to breathe through your nose, and notice the benefits.

Resisting Technology

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to ignore the things that baffle us, especially when it involves learning new skills and concepts. While you might have avoided technology until now, learning how to use your phone or a laptop can unlock a world of possibility, allowing you to connect easily with loved ones.


Stressing Over Things Beyond Your Control

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Retirement might allow us to let go of work-related stress, but there’s always something to worry about. To ease anxiety, acknowledge that there are certain situations that you cannot control, and instead set actionable goals for your self-improvement.

Resisting Change

Editorial credit: kudla/ Shutterstock.

Humans are creatures of habit, and once we’ve created a familiar routine, it can be hard to make changes. But with change comes tremendous growth, whether moving to a location that suits you better or starting a daily yoga practice.

Overlooking Mental Health

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Talking about our mental health and taking steps to improve it has never been easier. As you move into your 60s, pay attention to how you’re feeling mentally, and incorporate self-care rituals to keep feeling your best.

Forgetting to Stretch

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

When we think of yoga, we often picture handstands and balancing poses, but there are various methods for people of all ages. As we age and start to feel more stiff, it’s important to stretch every morning to relieve any muscle tension that may have built up overnight.

Being Afraid to Try New Things

Editorial credit: Mikael Damkier / Shutterstock.

Growth and self-improvement doesn’t stop just because you’re in your 60s. In fact, this can be a great time to discover new hobbies and activities.

Being Afraid to Make New Connections

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

If your friends and family are scattered across the country, making new connections is important to maintain a fulfilling social life. While it might seem daunting at first, new friends can be found by attending local clubs or joining a senior social platform.

Wearing Uncomfortable Clothes

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

Balancing comfort with fashion is something many of us strive for, regardless of age. As you enter the years of tranquillity, stop wearing clothes that are no longer comfortable or that hinder your mobility.

Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes

Editorial credit: Andrii Nekrasov / Shutterstock.

Another great part of hitting retirement is that you no longer have to wear smart, rigid shoes on a daily basis. Instead, invest in shoes that are comfortable, supportive, and stylish at the same time. As we age, it’s important to give our feet some extra care after their years of service!

Not Prioritizing Sleep

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

People tend to assume that getting older means we need less sleep, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Experts suggest that older adults aim for seven hours of rest each night and that they establish a calming bedtime routine.

Spending Time and Energy on the Wrong People

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

It can be hard to let go of people who have been in your life for years, or even decades, even when they are taking more than they give. Hitting your 60s is the perfect time to evaluate your relationships and spend time cultivating those that bring you joy.

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