Andrew Parker

19 Lifestyle Choices Boomers and Millennials Are Glad to Leave Behind

There was once a notable divide between Boomers and Millennials, who seemingly had very different views on how to live their lives. However, recent studies suggest that both generations are becoming more significant in their thoughts and beliefs, leading them to make changes in their lives. We take a look at 19 things that Boomers and Millennials are leaving behind as they come together to live in harmony in the modern world.

Tech Free Lives

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Boomers and Millennials are increasingly using smartphones, social media, and online services like online banking and shopping. At one time, Boomers would not have considered using stomach tech, but with continued interest in digital tools for communication, entertainment, and information access, they are using it just as much as younger generations. 

Cable TV

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Editorial credit: Erman Gunes / Shutterstock.

Streaming is the biggest driver of change among Boomers, Millennials, and TV habits. Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ offer on-demand content, flexible plans, and lower costs compared to cable packages. Many cater to specific interests and offer original content, attracting diverse audiences, both young and old. 

Landline Phones

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Editorial credit: Ingo Bartussek / Shutterstock.

The widespread availability and convenience of mobile phones with calling and messaging capabilities have made landlines less essential for communication. While Boomers were once tied to their landlines, there was an increase to 43% usage of this age group of mobile phones between 2022 and 2023. 


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Editorial credit: frantic00 / Shutterstock.

Some tabloids and gossip magazines have a reputation for sensationalizing stories, fabricating details, and invading privacy. Millennials might be more critical of their methods and prefer sources with higher perceived transparency and accountability.

Eating Fast Food 

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Editorial credit: Juliana_haris / Shutterstock.

Consumers are generally becoming more aware of the nutritional value of their food choices. This trend transcends generational boundaries, with individuals actively seeking healthier options.

Working Long Hours

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Editorial credit: ElenaYakimova / Shutterstock.

Boomers are often regarded as the hardworking generation as they put in long hours and dedicate themselves to one workplace for many years. Things are changing, however, as both Boomers and Millennials seek flexibility and opportunities to achieve work-life balance, valuing personal time and meaningful experiences.

Lack of Exercise

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Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Maintaining physical and mental well-being is becoming a shared priority, leading to interest in preventative healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices. Millennials are becoming more aware of the importance of preventative health measures and see exercise as a way to avoid chronic diseases later in life.

Ignoring Climate Change

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Editorial credit: Engineer studio/ Shutterstock.

At one time, many Boomers and some Millennials were skeptical about climate change, but there has been a shift in opinions around the environment. Concerns about environmental impact and ethical sourcing are influencing food choices. This can translate to seeking organic, locally sourced ingredients that are more sustainable. 

Dismissing Mental Health

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Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Mental health issues receive greater attention in media and public discourse, raising awareness and understanding. This, alongside education campaigns and social media influence, means that Boomers and Millennials are taking more time to focus on their mental health. 

Traditional Retirement

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Editorial credit: David Franklin / Shutterstock.

Instead of full retirement, many Boomers choose flexible work arrangements, freelance projects, or volunteer work, contributing to the “encore careers” trend. Concerns about healthcare costs and potential economic downturns impact spending habits and retirement planning.

Focusing on Material Possessions

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Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Boomers prioritize spending on experiences like travel, hobbies, and learning opportunities rather than on accumulating material goods. Some Boomers are even choosing to move to smaller homes or simplify their belongings, embracing minimalism and decluttering.

Physical Media

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Editorial credit: c / Shutterstock.

Many consumers, including Boomers and Millennials, prioritize access to an extensive library over physical ownership of individual titles, especially with subscription models often costing less than purchasing single physical copies.

Shopping Malls

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Online shopping offers convenience, more comprehensive selection, and competitive pricing, attracting many consumers, including some Millennials. Like in-store services, online platforms offer personalized recommendations and curated shopping experiences, potentially appealing to tech-savvy Millennials.

Fast Fashion

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Editorial credit: Victoria Chudinova / Shutterstock.

Growing awareness of unfair labor practices, low wages, and unsafe working conditions in fast fashion supply chains leads to ethical concerns among consumers, particularly the environmentally and socially conscious younger generations.

Traditional Banking

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Editorial credit: Anton_AV / Shutterstock.

Many individuals, including older adults, are becoming more comfortable utilizing technology for financial tasks, reducing reliance on physical branches. Mobile banking apps, online payment platforms, and digital-first banks offer convenience, accessibility, and innovative features not always found in traditional banking models. This has led to over 2,5000 traditional banking branches closing in the U.S. this past year. 


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Editorial credit: SrideeStudio / Shutterstock.

Public awareness campaigns, growing health concerns, and the emergence of alternative options like vaping and nicotine gum have been linked to a decrease in traditional cigarette smoking among various demographics, including Millennials and Boomers.

Using Travel Agents

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Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

Many travelers across generations appreciate the flexibility and control offered by online platforms, allowing them to tailor itineraries to their specific interests and budgets. Online tools often enable price comparisons and budget-conscious planning, appealing to individuals seeking value for their travel expenses.

Plastic Bags

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Editorial credit: Romolo Tavani / Shutterstock.

Educational campaigns and media attention have increased understanding of the harm single-use plastics pose to the environment, prompting individuals to seek alternatives. Choosing reusable bags aligns with growing eco-friendly values and a sense of shared responsibility for environmental well-being.

Ironing Clothes

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Editorial credit:  pikselstock / Shutterstock.

Why it may have been beyond comprehension that a Boomer would be seen out in public with creased clothes, things have changed. Increased acceptance of casual attire in workplaces and social settings reduces the need for perfectly ironed clothing. Some people also prioritize spending time on experiences and travel rather than on household chores like ironing.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

24 Outdated Slang Terms You Absolutely Shouldn’t Be Using Anymore

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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