Andrew Parker

25 Items to Junk or Sell When Your Kids Finally Move Out

As a parent, that moment when your kids pack up and move on to their next big adventure feels like the end of the world. But it doesn’t have to be. You should think about it as the perfect time to sort out your home. There’s probably a ton of stuff that you can let go of and maybe earn a little cash from. So, here are 25 things you should consider junking or selling when your kids move out.

The Family-Sized Car

Editorial credit: Gorloff-KV/ Shutterstock.

Gone are the days of carpooling the soccer team and getting your kids to their after-school activities. Since you’re not going to be doing that anymore, why not trade the family van in for something that’s more your speed? You could go for something faster and more efficient that’ll make parking a breeze.

The Second Car

Editorial credit: Komkritphoto / Shutterstock.

Speaking of cars, we’re not saying you have to get rid of your cars. But having two of them? Now, that just seems a little greedy. You can easily make a good amount of cash from selling it, which you could use to buy something a little more sustainable. It’s your chance to make the switch and enjoy the ride.

Spare Bedroom Furniture 

Editorial credit: paikong / Shutterstock.

Those bedrooms are pretty quiet now, and you could totally transform them into something new. If you’re a bookworm, they could become a reading nook, or if you’re a remote worker, a cool office. Better yet, you could sell off your old bedroom sets to help fund your new vision of turning empty spaces into your favorite places.

Old Textbooks and School Supplies

Editorial Credit: STEKLO / Shutterstock.

Remember the days of back-to-school shopping? Yeah, you’re probably not going to miss those. Now, you can give those textbooks and art supplies to someone else who needs them, which is a pretty good idea since the average college textbook is around $105. It’s an easy way for you to reclaim your space while also giving back to the community. 

Kids’ Toys and Games

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

One easy way to get some more space is to get rid of those old toys and games. You already know they’ve seen better days. All you need to do is get onto eBay or Facebook Marketplace to find a new home for those toys. And if they’re still in mint condition, that’s even better because you might get a better price for them.

Sports Equipment

Editorial credit: Jim Barber / Shutterstock.

Now those days of cheering from the sidelines at every game are gone, it might be time to clear out your garage. You can make a good amount of cash from those once-loved soccer balls and basketball gloves while supporting the next generations’ dreams. Plus, studies show that giving to charity actually has a ton of mental health benefits as well.

The Family Pool Table

Editorial credit: Alan SK / Shutterstock.

Your pool table used to be the center of late-night family tournaments. But now? You’re probably just using it as a laundry folding station, and it’s taking up more space than it needs to. Give it a new home so you can turn that space into something new. Maybe you’ve always wanted a yoga or art studio.

Extra Kitchen Gadgets

Editorial credit: kariphoto / Shutterstock.

So you bought every kitchen gadget fad that came along with the hopes that it’d completely improve your cooking. But now, you’ve left with a cluttered kitchen and tech you’ve barely used. Selling off those thongs will clear up your countertops and simplify your cooking routine. It’s a win-win situation.

Unused Musical Instruments

Editorial credit: cowardlion / Shutterstock.

Those musical instruments gathering dust in the corner still have stories to tell, and songs left unsung. So, give them a chance to tell them to other people. You never know, you might be able to kickstart someone else’s musical journey, and you’ll also have an excuse for not taking up the guitar like you planned.

Board Games

Editorial credit: PicMy / Shutterstock.

Now that your game nights are a little more grown-up, your shelves are probably packed with games that nobody’s using. You’ll be able to spread the joy of game night to another circle of friends or family. Plus, one of them could be a rare edition that, according to CBR, could be worth anywhere between $13,000 and $9.8 million.

The Second TV

Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

A second TV used to be a way of keeping the peace. But now? It’s pretty much just a big and bulky dust collector. Selling it could force you to explore some new hobbies or even revisit old ones. And who knows, you could even become the next great painter or musician. You can’t put a price on that.

Seasonal Decorations

Editorial credit: Alexander Egizarov / Shutterstock.

One of the best parts of the holidays is getting to put up those decorations with the rest of your family. But with your kids gone, it might just be you wrestling with tangled lights and figuring out if that inflatable snowman has another year in him. Selling some of that festive overflow is an easy way to lighten the load and give you some time to, y’know, enjoy the holidays.

Large Dining Set

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

That grand table where you all used to crowd around for meals is probably looking a little oversized these days. You could always swap it for a nicer set that’ll fit you or the occasional guest. Sure, you’ll be able to reclaim your space, but you’ll also be able to create a totally new vibe with your new furniture.

Outdoor Play Equipment

Editorial credit: Carly Justino / Shutterstock.

The days of your backyard being the neighborhood’s go-to play spot are pretty much over now, so selling that old swing set or slide sounds like a good idea. It’ll help another bunch of kids enjoy themselves and give you some potential with your new outdoor space. How about some new hammocks or a sleek outdoor kitchen?

Unworn Clothing

Editorial credit: Katya Rekina / Shutterstock.

Are you staring at a closet full of clothes that haven’t seen the light of day in ages? Then it might be time for them to strut their stuff elsewhere by clearing them out. You’ll free up some closet space and simplify your life at the same time. It’s also great for the environment, which is always nice to hear.

The Massive Grill

Editorial credit: AVN Photo Lab / Shutterstock.

If your grill’s more of an ornament than a cooking tool, then it’s probably time for you to scale things down. Think about using the extra space for a herb garden or maybe even a stylish fire pit. If you’re deadset on sticking to grilling, then maybe downgrade to a smaller one so you’ll spend less time on cleaning.

Camping Gear

Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

Remember those days when family trips meant packing up enough gear to survive in the wilderness for weeks? Well, those days are behind you now, so you could always pass on the adventure baton to someone else. Just think about the happiness you’ll get from knowing another family will be toasting marshmallows and stargazing, thanks to you.

Extra Luggage Sets

Editorial credit: Surachet Jo/ Shutterstock.

If your luggage sets have seen better days, and your travel style has become more about packing light and moving freely, then it’s time to give them a new home. You never know how much they might fetch, and it could be enough for you to go on another holiday. And with all the cool new luggage types out there, like the ones that can follow you around, it might be worth investing.

The Home Theater System

Editorial credit: Petinov Sergey Mihilovich / Shutterstock.

The home theater system used to be everything you loved about movie night. But if it’s feeling like overkill, perhaps you should consider scaling back. It’ll give you a ton of extra space that you can now use for activities that have been on your wishlist for months while also reducing your electricity bill.

Fitness Equipment

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Let’s be honest, that treadmill or weight set that was supposed to turn you into an Olympian is probably being used more as a pretty coat rack now. Since your motivation for a home workout has left the building, why not pass it on to someone else? This way, your house will get a new lease of life as you take up something simpler like yoga or meditation.

Video Game Consoles

Editorial Credit: M-Production / Shutterstock.

Video game fans, listen up. Yes, you might think that those retro consoles still look good, but they’re really just relics of the past. Giving them a new home could make you more money than you might think, as there are plenty of rare consoles out there that are worth a pretty penny. Don’t you want to make some extra cash?

Vinyl Records

Editorial credit: Kite_rin / Shutterstock.

In today’s world, digital streaming is the norm, and those old vinyl albums you’ve been holding onto might actually be worth something. With the huge increase in vinyl popularity recently, some of your rare finds or collector’s items could fetch a good price on the market. The most expensive vinyl ever sold is worth $2 million, so maybe one of yours could net you something similar.

Hobby Equipment

Editorial Credit: Cacio Murilo / Shutterstock.

Over the years, it’s pretty normal to pick up hobbies that need some special tools, like high-end sewing equipment or photography gear. According to one survey, around 29% of people with hobbies do this. Now that you’re a little older, you might find that you’re just not using them as much as you once did, so why not give them a new home?

Themed Bedroom Decor

Editorial credit: Followtheflow / Shutterstock.

Got a room that tells people how much your kids love dinosaurs or how much they want to be an astronaut? Well, it’s time to revamp and reclaim that space. Sell off those extra bits and bobs, yes, including those glow-in-the-dark stars, and you’ll have a lot of space left over. Just think about all the things you can do with this new space.

Old Bicycles

Editorial credit: socrates471 / Shutterstock.

Now’s the time to rethink those expensive bicycles or special gear you bought for those family cycling trips. Let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to use that mountain bike anytime soon, and you’d rather drive than use a road bike. Sell them or give them to a local cycling club to clear out your garage.

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