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25 Actions Society Frowns Upon, but Not Explicitly Labeled as Sins in the Bible

Even though the Bible is the most published book in the world, many people are still unsure about what it says you can or cannot do. And sometimes, what we think it says isn’t quite right. Let’s look at 25 things people believe are banned in the Bible, even though they’re technically not.


Editorial credit: FXQuadro / Shutterstock.

Many people think tattoos are wholly banned because of Leviticus 19:28, but this verse comes from banning specific pagan mourning rituals, and it’s not meant to be a blanket ban on all body art. You’ve got to remember the context, and our modern tattoos don’t quite fit these ancient rules.


Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Some people think dancing is forbidden because it’s associated with sinful behavior, but that’s not exactly true. There are plenty of moments in the Bible where we see people celebrating through dance. For example, David dances to show his joy before the Ark of the Covenant in 2 Samuel 6:14. 

Drinking Alcohol 

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The Bible disapproves of drinking alcohol, but it doesn’t outright ban it. Instead, the issue is with overdrinking and becoming drunk. After all, Jesus turned water into wine, so it’s not exactly something to be against. This moment was meant to be an example of how we should enjoy life’s pleasures in moderation. 

Eating Pork

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Back in the day, Leviticus from the Old Testament was strict about not eating pork, although it’s a different story in the New Testament. What you eat doesn’t make you unclean, but what you say and do is much more critical. So don’t feel guilty if you like eating bacon or even pork chops because, technically, you’re not breaking any spiritual laws.

Women’s Voices in Church

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There’s no denying that early scriptures were a little more sexist because they silenced women in the church, but that was more about avoiding specific disruptions instead of a blanket role. In the early Christian community, women took on some essential roles, so the Bible clearly respects them. The Good Book is more inclusive than you might think.

Mixing Fabrics

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Laws indeed banned people from wearing mixed fabrics, although that was meant to separate Israelites. These days, most Bible scholars agree that this rule doesn’t apply to our wardrobes, and our spiritual purity doesn’t depend on our clothing choices. Don’t worry about wearing any cotton-polyester blends.


Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

The Old Testament had rules about shaving to help Israelites to stand out from their neighbors. Today, whether you shave or not is totally your call, as these guidelines were meant to protect people’s identities instead of their spirituality. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a beard or decide to go clean-shaven because it’s all good either way.

Playing Cards

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Many people think playing cards is off-limits because they can encourage gambling and fortune-telling, which many religions oppose. But there’s nothing in the Bible that says playing cards is banned; it’s just gambling. You’re not crossing any biblical lines by playing a friendly poker game.

Wearing Makeup

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Forget what you’ve heard about makeup being taboo. The Bible doesn’t have rules that say wearing makeup is wrong. The important thing to remember is not to become obsessed with looking good, as making yourself look good on the outside should match who you are on the inside.

Watching Movies

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Of course, the Bible was written way before movies were invented, but that hasn’t stopped some Christians from thinking that we shouldn’t watch them. But that’s not true. The real issue is watching films that cause harm rather than those that have a positive impact, so make sure you choose the right kind of flick.

Celebrating Birthdays.

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Who said you can’t celebrate getting older? There are some old stories and misunderstandings about pagan traditions, but the Bible doesn’t say you can’t have a birthday bash. As long as you’re respectful and not breaking any other biblical laws, there’s no reason to hold back on your special day.

Eating Shellfish

Editorial credit: Vershinin89 / Shutterstock.

If you only look at the Old Testament, then, yes, you’re meant to avoid eating shellfish. Yet the New Testament says something different and makes it clear that we can eat any seafood dishes we fancy. It doesn’t matter if oysters or shrimp because you can enjoy the flavors of the sea without any guilt.

Listening to Secular Music

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

Are you worried about listening to non-Christian music? Don’t be. Like movies, the Bible doesn’t specifically ban secular music, just those with bad lyrics or the ones that can make you feel bad. If the songs have a positive message and uplift you, then cranking up the volume and listening along is all good.

Getting a Divorce

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Divorce is a little trickier subject. It’s not exactly something the Bible celebrates, but the scriptures do recognize that it’s unavoidable in some situations, like unfaithfulness. Of course, divorce isn’t ideal, but it’s sometimes the only choice you’ve got left. As long as you’re doing it for the permitted reasons, the New International version of the Bible allows you to get divorced.

Using Credit Cards

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Like movies, credit cards came around way after the Bible was written, but it does talk about debt and borrowing. The trick is to manage our debt carefully to make sure we’re not spending beyond our means while also paying back who we borrowed from. The rule to be wise with our finances is something we can all follow.

Financial Interest

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Speaking of loans, some Christians use Exodus 22:25 as evidence that we shouldn’t charge interest on loans, which is known as usury. This is meant to criticize people who don’t help people in need in their community, and it’s not banning banking or financing. If you’re being generous, things should be okay.

Practicing Yoga

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Although yoga has its roots in other religions, doing yoga isn’t actually banned in the Bible, and it all comes down to your purpose. If you’re doing it to stay fit or unwind, there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you’re rolling out your mat to worship another religion, the Bible doesn’t support that.

Drinking Cofee

Editorial credit: goodluz / Shutterstock.

Don’t worry about your caffeine habit because there’s no ban on it. Like most things in the Bible, the important thing is to be careful with how much you’re having and not to get addicted. As long as you’re just having a morning cup of joe, you should be fine, especially since it could be a time for you to be grateful for what God has given you.

Playing Video Games

Editorial credit: Maksym93 / Shutterstock.

It’s no surprise that the Bible doesn’t talk about playing video games, but some Christians still think it’s wrong to play them. The real focus is on the kind of games you’re playing and whether or not you’re spending too much on playing them. If you’re still in touch with the real world and doing what you need to, then play on.

Burning Incense

Editorial credit: Prixel Creative / Shutterstock.

You won’t find any bans on burning incense in the Bible, mainly because the scriptures talk about it quite positively during worship. Science shows that lighting incense can help us chill out and make a place seem much more inviting. So, if you’re looking for some downtime, go ahead and burn it.

Eating Fast Food

Editorial credit: Juliana_haris / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend looking in the Bible because you won’t find any explicit rules saying fast food is off-limits. Of course, it’s wise not to go overboard and eat a well-rounded diet, but having a drive-thru meal every now and again is fine. Be sensible, and don’t overindulge.

Writing Fiction

Editorial credit: Triff/ Shutterstock.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with writing fictional stories, and even the Bible agrees. In fact, the Good Book talks about how storytelling can help us to share important truths and religious ideas in an interesting way. Your stories could touch people’s hearts and change their point of view, so let those ideas flow.

Adopting Pets

Editorial credit: Sarawut sriphakdee / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love animals? According to some Christians, it’s the Bible because it talks about humans having power over animals, so we shouldn’t get attached to or adopt animals. But this is just a matter of interpretation, and nothing is saying you can’t have a furry friend. Caring for animals is part of our roles as stewards on this Earth.

Working on Sunday

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While it’s important to take a day of rest, the New Testament is more flexible about the rule about not working on Sundays. This is meant to be a time for you to recharge and reflect. It’s not meant to forbid work on Sundays completely but rather to encourage you to rest and praise the Lord.


Editorial credit: saiko3p / Shutterstock.

Although some Christians think cremation is an act against God, the Bible doesn’t say that. Yes, people traditionally preferred burial to cremation, but it’s respecting the dignity of the deceased that really matters. There’s no Bible verse forbidding people from being cremated when they pass.

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