Andrew Parker

The 2024 Ranking of America’s 25 Most Racist States

America has always had some racial issues, but each state handles things a little differently. Today, we’re looking at 25 of the most racist states of 2024. Just remember, we’re not casting any judgment or saying everyone in these states is racist.

The Study

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Editorial credit: Thanakorn.P / Shutterstock.

This information comes from the World Population Review, which created this list using data such as the reported number of hate crimes and other factors. They also used information about the number of internet searches with racial slurs for each region. They gave each state a score out of 100, with 100 being the least racist and 0 being the most racist.

District of Columbia

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Editorial credit: S.Borisov / Shutterstock.

The District of Columbia tops the list with the lowest score of 28.36. That might surprise you since it’s the center of American politics, so you’d assume that things are a little more equal there. Unfortunately, it’s dealing with some serious racial inequality, especially in areas like employment and housing.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Next up is Wisconsin, with a score of 33.01. Most people don’t think of cheese and racial issues together, but in cities like Milwaukee, segregation and job inequality really stand out. Of course, locals are trying to improve this issue through community programs to bridge these gaps, but there’s a lot of work still to do.


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Editorial credit: Aleksandr Grechanyuk / Shutterstock.

Over in Iowa, the picture isn’t too rosy since it scored 44.68. This place has some real challenges of racial equality, particularly when it comes to jobs and who ends up in jail. The state is making an effort to fix this, and even non-profits are stepping in to make a difference. Only time will tell if it works.


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Editorial credit: IMG_191 / Shutterstock.

When you think of Minnesota, what comes to mind? It’s probably the state’s lakes and cold winters, but it also has some racial issues that need solving since it scored 49.84. Remember those huge protests in Minneapolis? Both the community and authorities are working together to heal and make some changes. 

South Dakota

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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

Unlike some of the other states on this list, the real heart of South Dakota’s race issues comes from Native American rights. The state scored 52 because of the ongoing tension over land and law. Tribal leaders and state officials are talking with each other to find a solution that’ll respect everyone involved.


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Editorial credit: Maria Sbytova / Shutterstock.

In Illinois, they’ve got a score of 53.13, and it’s mostly because of Chicago’s big city problems, which include segregation. It doesn’t matter if you look at schools or even the neighborhoods because the divide’s pretty clear. Local activists are trying to push for policies that’ll take away these barriers to make things truly equal.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Down in Louisiana, the past is casting a long shadow over the present since the state has a score of 54.18. There are some serious issues in the justice system and economic equality which the state is trying to address. Governors have passed laws to change sentences and improve educational access for all races. Hopefully, they’ll work.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

Pennsylvania has its fair share of problems, too, with a score of 54.69. The biggest problems here are career and educational opportunities, which some people believe are unfair to certain races. Of course, the state’s not just sitting by idly, as they are trying to create programs to level the playing field.


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Editorial credit: Esme / Shutterstock.

For some people, Nebraska flies under the radar, but its racial profiling and law enforcement issues have led to its score of 54.91. These issues get people hot under the collar, and for good reason. People in the local area are calling for things to be more transparent and for a better relationship between the police and the community.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Michigan has quite a few issues to deal with, like the Flint water crisis and Detroit’s economic problems. But unfortunately, these issues aren’t hitting everyone equally, which is why it has a score of 55.32. In Michigan, race plays a big part in who suffers and who thrives. The state desperately needs some reform to deal with these issues.

North Dakota

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Editorial credit: Bennian / Shutterstock.

North Dakota has a pretty complicated relationship with its Native American residents, which is why it has a score of 55.99. The state is trying to fix this by improving communication between tribal communities and state authorities. Some of these measures include training law enforcement on how to be sensitive to these cultures.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Ohio is working on smoothing out the rough edges of racial equality, and that’s why it has a score of 57.66. They’re trying to make sure that everyone, no matter their background, gets a fair chance in school and in front of the law. While other states are talking, Ohio officials are taking action to make things right.


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Editorial credit: Wangkun Jia / Shutterstock.

Maine might look peaceful and quiet, but there’s a reason why it has a score of 59.73. The state’s got several race issues to deal with, and state officials are trying to make people more aware and inclusive. They’re starting with the kids in school to teach everyone to appreciate what makes us different.

New York

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Editorial credit: Luciano Mortula – LGM / Shutterstock.

Even the state with the Big Apple isn’t free from racial issues and has a score of 59.74. The state is stepping up to the plate to tackle these issues, particularly with those trying to rent an apartment or looking for a job. They want to make some changes to the law so that everyone gets a fair chance.

South Carolina

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Editorial credit: f11photo / Shutterstock.

Although it has a score of 59.88, South Carolina is working to shake off its old reputation. Lots of people in the community are trying to clear out the symbols of its divided past, while others are improving educational access. It’s a lot of work, but it’ll hopefully help everyone understand each other better and move forward.

New Hampshire

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Editorial credit: BestStockFoto / Shutterstock.

Don’t let its size fool you. New Hampshire has its share of racial issues, too, with a score of 59.95. But even with this, they’re trying to bring diversity training to public workers so that everyone’s on the same page. After all, that’s one of the best ways to make sure we respect each other’s differences.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Lots of Oregonians like to think of themselves as being progressive, but they’ve got some racial issues to deal with, and that’s why it has a score of 60.22. People have been protesting against the problems and trying to make people aware of them. They’re trying to make some real change.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

With a score of 60.55, Mississippi’s still dealing with its past, but they’re making changes in voting rights and education to bring everyone up to speed. Some of these initiatives are trying to increase voter turnout and educational access. Clearly, the state is trying to turn over a new leaf.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Massachusetts, especially Boston, is really in the thick of it, with a score of 61.12, but it’s working on fixing its racial issues. They’re putting a lot of effort into making things a bit more equal, with a huge focus on schools and housing. But there are also several other problems, like economic inequalities.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

In Arkansas, they’re trying to hit healthcare and job market inequalities hard. The state has a score of 61.62, and it’s trying to improve these all the time with some new initiatives. Most of these aim to boost everyone’s chances to lead a healthier and wealthier life through things like local job fairs.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

Utah has a score of 61.68, and the state is trying to improve race relations across the population. It’s already done pretty well with educational reform and police training, which are helping things. But there’s still a lot more to do to make sure everyone feels included and connected.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Connecticut looks all polished, but it has its fair share of internal challenges and has a score of 61.8. State officials are seriously trying to improve life in urban areas and improve people’s educational chances. They’re making housing more affordable and healthcare more accessible so nobody’s left behind.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Kansas has a score of 62.11, which is higher than you might expect. Part of this is because the state is trying to make educational and employment opportunities fairer by working with local industries. This way, more people can get jobs, especially in those communities that have been traditionally left out.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy/ Shutterstock.

Alabama is well-known for having some serious racial issues, which is why it has a score of 62.72. Even with this, the state is making some educational improvements through community programs. These include changing how they teach civil rights history in school and bringing communities together. 

New Jersey

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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Lastly, we have New Jersey, which has a score of 62.84. They’re working hard on improving police relations and improving schools so that everyone has a chance in life. But that’s not all, as the state is making public officials do inclusivity training so that everyone’s voices are valued.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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