Andrew Parker

20 Mistakes that Interviewers Hate and How to Avoid Them

When you’re applying for a job, the goal is to make yourself stand out, but in a good way. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes in the hiring process that drive recruiters crazy. Here are 20 mistakes that recruiters can’t stand and what to do instead.

Oversharing in Resumes

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Lots of people think that giving more information means they’ll have a better chance of getting the position, which is why they’ll fill their resumes with unnecessary details. But this makes it a pain to read through, especially since most employers don’t really care about your hobbies. Stick to your relevant qualifications and experience so your resume is concise.

Ignoring the Cover Letter

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Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Even though writing it is a pain, skipping the cover letter is a huge mistake. It’s your chance to show your potential employer why you’re the perfect fit for the position, and it lets them hear your “voice” in a way they can’t get from reading your qualifications. Make sure you adjust it to the job you’re applying to so that the recruiter knows you’re not just mass-applying to jobs.

Using a Generic Resume

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Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Your resume shouldn’t look like everyone else’s because that won’t impress anybody. Show the recruiter how your skills and experience fit with the job description to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Of course, there are some things you have to stick to, but remember that you want to show them how you’re different.

Not Proofreading

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Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Nothing says “a lack of attention to detail” more than typos and grammatical mistakes. These mistakes are easy to fix, so always double-check your application or have someone else check it over. Even a single mistake can give the wrong impression that you’re not taking your application seriously.

Responsibilities Instead of Achievements

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Editorial credit: kan_chana / Shutterstock.

Recruiters prefer to see what you’ve accomplished rather than just what your job responsibilities were. You should write about specific achievements and how they helped your employers. If you can, give specific evidence that shows these results, like how much you increased sales or how you made things more efficient.

Not Researching the Company

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Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Never walk into an interview without knowing about the company beforehand, as it suggests to them that you don’t really care. Take some time to look at the company’s goals and culture, as that’ll really impress the recruiters. Better yet, it’ll also help you decide if this company is the right fit for you.

Being Too Casual

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

While being relaxed does show that you’re confident, overdoing it can seem unprofessional. You should try to be polite and enthusiastic without being too informal. After all, you’re not talking to a friend, so make sure you use professional language and keep the conversation focused on your qualifications and the job.

Not Asking Questions

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

At the end of the interview, recruiters will almost ask you if you have any questions. Even if you think they’ve told you everything, you have to ask at least one question to show you’re interested in the job. Prepare at least three or four thoughtful questions beforehand so the recruiters know you’re thinking about how to contribute to the team.

Ignoring Follow-Up

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Editorial credit: Rawpixel. com / Shutterstock.

A quick thank-you email after an interview shows you’re polite, and it’ll help you stand out from the crowd. All it takes is a few minutes. Plus, this can also show your potential employers that you’re interested in the position, and that might just be the tiebreaker if it’s down to you and another candidate.

Applying for Every Position

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Editorial credit: zimmytws / Shutterstock.

Even if the company has several open positions, don’t just apply to them all because this suggests you’re desperate for a job. Focus on the jobs that match your skills and career goals because recruiters appreciate quality over quantity. There’s no point in blanket applying to every position you see.

Too Salary-Focused

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Editorial credit: enciktepstudio / Shutterstock.

Of course, your salary is important, but focusing just on this in interviews comes across as off-putting. You need to show the recruiter that you actually care about this position and the company, so save any salary discussions for when the interviewer actually brings them up. After all, would you want to hire someone who cares about the pay and not how they can make a difference?

Using an Unprofessional Email Address

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Editorial credit: ImYanis / Shutterstock.

Your email address is part of your first impression, so using an inappropriate name isn’t the best idea. Create a simple email address, preferably using your name, and make sure your photo looks good, too. You want to create a professional tone from the very start, and sending an email from “[email protected]” doesn’t do that.

Online Only

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Editorial credit: metamorworks / Shutterstock.

Don’t just rely on online applications because networking can lead you to opportunities that aren’t advertised. You should speak to professionals in your field and attend industry meetings so that you’re always up-to-date with what’s going on. Who you know is just as important, if not more, as what you know.

Incorrect Profiles

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Editorial credit: Ink Drop / Shutterstock.

Of course, that’s not to say that your online presence isn’t important because it absolutely is. Your LinkedIn profile should complement your resume, so make sure it’s updated and shows your professional interests. This is your online face to the professional world, and you need to make it count if you want to attract some potential employers. 

Ignoring Soft Skills

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Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

While your professional skills are important, many recruiters are looking for candidates who fit the company culture and can work well with others. You should show them that you have good communication and teamwork skills in your resume and during interviews. These are always important, and sometimes, they’re the deciding factor.

Too Many Buzzwords

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Editorial credit: Gustavo Frazao / Shutterstock.

Of course, it’s important to use some industry words in your resume and during an interview, but don’t overdo it. Be clear and precise when you’re describing your abilities and achievements because otherwise, you run the risk of sounding too robotic. Anyone reading your resume or listening to you should be able to understand what you’re talking about without needing a dictionary.

Being Unprepared for Video Interview

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Editorial credit: SB Arts Media / Shutterstock.

In today’s world, you’re just as likely to have a video interview as a face-to-face one. Unfortunately, many people don’t prepare for them properly and end up treating them way too casually. Before you get into the meeting, make sure you’re dressed properly and your background is appropriate. Check that your microphone and video work properly, and act as though you’re face-to-face during the interview.

Ignoring Body Language

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

What you’re not saying is just as important as what you are saying in an interview, so think about your body language and the sort of message you’re giving off. Try to maintain eye contact and give a firm handshake at the start. You should also sit up straight so the recruiter knows you’re confident and enthusiastic.

Talking Only About Past Roles

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Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that your previous experience is important, but that shouldn’t be the only thing you talk about. Your recruiter wants to know how you can contribute to their company, which means you should talk about how you can apply these skills to this specific position. You want to show you’re excited about what you can do in the future.

Not Being Honest

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Editorial credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

You’d be surprised at just how many people lie on their resumes. While you can polish things up a little, you have to be honest about your skills and experience because you never know what your recruiter will ask you about. Pretending to be something you’re not will cause you more problems than it’s worth.

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