Mira Silverwood

20 Things You Should Steer Clear of Doing on a Cruise Ship

Embarking on a cruise is becoming more enticing, with exotic ports to discover, cuisines to try, and the open ocean to gaze at. Whether you want a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or to see a unique place in the world, there’s a cruise ship to suit everyone and lots of etiquette to follow. From avoiding maritime embarrassment to safety precautions, here are 20 things you should avoid doing on a cruise.

Assume You Won’t Get Seasick

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Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

If you’re someone who hasn’t suffered from motion sickness in the past, you might think you’re immune to waves of maritime nausea. But the motion of the ocean can get to the best of us, and it’s better to arrive prepared. Before embarking, stock up on some over-the-counter medications or a trusty seaband

Forget Your Passport

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Editorial credit:Nuangthong / Shutterstock.

Always keep your passport handy, tucked away safely in a bag that’s always with you. Most ships need to see a passenger’s government ID before letting them board, so don’t forget your passport or stow it away in your checked luggage. 

Show Up Late for the Cruise

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Editorial credit: Zigres / Shutterstock.

Many first-time cruisers think it’ll be fine to drive or fly on the day that their ship departs. Not only is turning up late for the cruise a huge no-no, but it’s unlikely the boat will wait for a few passengers. To avoid a last-minute rush, make sure to arrive at the port a day early and start your holiday in a relaxed manner. 

Throw Trash Overboard

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Editorial credit: Thomas Holt / Shutterstock.

This one should be fairly obvious, but you’d be amazed by the number of people who view the ocean as their personal garbage can. Every cruise ship has a waste disposal system to prevent passengers from chucking their litter overboard. 

Smoke Indoors, Including Vapes

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Editorial credit: Ruben PH/ Shutterstock.

Cruise ships have several designated smoking areas, but this doesn’t prevent people from thinking they can smoke in their rooms or on balconies. The same goes for vaping, which is prohibited outside of the acceptable areas. 

Hog The Sunbeds

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Editorial credit: StudioPortoSabbia / Shutterstock.

Hogging a row of deckchairs or sunbeds is a sure-fire way to alienate other passengers and breach cruise ship etiquette. Nobody likes the person who saves an entire collection of sun beds for family members who never show up.

Forget a Day Bag

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Editorial credit: Stokkete / Shutterstock.

Once you’ve checked in your main luggage, it can take several hours for it to be delivered to your cabin. Much like flying, make sure to pack a day bag with all the essentials, including medications, toiletries, and spare clothing. 

Enter Crew-Only Areas

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Editorial credit: GreenOak/ Shutterstock.

It’s tempting to explore every inch of a cruise ship, and nobody can resist a “Crew only, do not enter” sign. However fun it may seem, getting caught where you’re not supposed to be will lead to embarrassment and earn you a bad reputation. 

Climb On Railings

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Editorial credit: Robert and Monika / Shutterstock.

We’ve all imagined ourselves climbing the ship’s railings like Leonardo Dicaprio in Titanic, but this dangerous venture could quickly become life-threatening. 

Forget an Outlet Adapter

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Editorial credit: Proxima Studio / Shutterstock.

Cruise ship cabins aren’t known for their numerous power outlets, as living quarters are often confined. Bring an outlet adapter to make sure every member of the family can charge their beloved phones overnight. 

Talk Yourself Out of An Excursion

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Editorial credit: nelen/ Shutterstock.

Spending time on the ship itself is only part of the fun. After all, a major reason people opt for a cruise holiday is to see more of the world. Even if you’re feeling tired, agitated, or a bit seasick, don’t talk yourself out of a day trip. You’ll likely miss out on some incredible scenery and cultural experiences. 

Fail to Tip the Staff

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Editorial credit: Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock.

Waiting staff, cleaners, and entertainment artists are the lifeblood of every cruise ship, and they do their best to make your experience a pleasant one. Remember to show your appreciation by getting involved in the tipping culture. 

Refuse to Use the Hand Sanitizer

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Editorial credit: ymgerman/ Shutterstock.

Cruise ships are confined spaces, and any illnesses carried before embarking will make their way onto the boat. To protect yourself and others, make sure to use hand sanitizing stations with the same intensity as you did during COVID-19. 

Leave Your Walking Shoes at Home

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Editorial Credit: siam.pukkato / Shutterstock.

Whether you want to stroll along the promenade, join excursions, or jog to the swimming pool, you’ll probably need a pair of comfortable shoes. The last thing you’ll want is to develop blisters after leaving your walking shoes on dry land. 

Wear Camouflage Clothing in Cruise Ports

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Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

While it might sound strange to advise against camouflage clothing, it’s for good reason. Many ports around the world, particularly in the Caribbean, prohibit camo clothing, and anyone caught offending is breaking the law. This is because disguising clothing is reserved for military personnel. 

Neglect Travel Insurance

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Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

Life on a cruise ship is by no means unsafe, but you never know what could happen, especially on day excursions. Protect yourself and your family by purchasing adequate travel insurance before your holiday. 

Let Children Run Around Unsupervised

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Editorial credit: VideoPhotoD / Shutterstock.

Many parents make the mistake of assuming a cruise ship is akin to a daycare, letting their kids run wild or asking staff to mind them while they sip cocktails by the pool. To avoid offending fellow passengers or cruise staff, don’t let your children run about the deck unsupervised. 

Drink Too Much

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Editorial credit: Pormezz / Shutterstock.

Ask any cruise staff member about their most hated passenger behavior, and it’ll probably involve alcohol. While it might be tempting to sip cocktails all day long, avoid going overboard with the alcohol. You don’t want to cause a scene, embarrass yourself, or lose an entire day due to a chronic hangover. 

Forget Sunscreen

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Editorial credit: Me dia / Shutterstock.

Feeling sore after a day in the sun is never fun, and a bad case of sunburn could mean you miss out on an excursion. Remember to pack your favorite SPF brands, whether you’re lounging by the pool or heading to a beach for the day. 

Spend the Whole Time On Your Phone

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Editorial credit: PATCHARIN.IN / Shutterstock.

In the digital age, we spend more time on our phones than we do taking in our surroundings. One of the best things about taking a cruise is absorbing the sights and sounds of each port or taking in the ocean views. 

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