Mary Anna Thomas

19 Old-Fashioned Practices That Young People Just Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around

It is often said that older people are stuck in their ways and unwilling to listen to younger generations. This isn’t entirely true, as there are some elders who adapt to modern society by embracing technology, for example. But, no matter how hard some older people try, they do these 19 things that annoy young people.

Leaving Voicemails

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Editorial credit: Tada Images / Shutterstock.

With the rise of cell phones and smartphones, answering machines have become obsolete, but older people still like to leave voicemails on landlines. Younger generations can’t understand why people don’t just leave a message that can be read instantly. 

Ask for Directions

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If older people don’t have their trusted paper map on them, they’ll simply stop and ask people for directions. They may get an answer some of the time, but younger generations don’t waste any time and just look up directions on their smartphones. 

Writing Thank-You Notes

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The convenience of email or texting might mean handwritten notes are lost on younger generations. Older people, however, like to take the time to write a more personal handwritten note that reflects their true appreciation. 

Talk in Full Sentences

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Informal texting language is second nature for young people, but older generations can’t understand it. Complete sentences are the order of the day for older people, whether it be face-to-face or via text messages.

Eating Dinner Early 

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Research by Flowing Data reveals that the peak time to have dinner is 6:19 p.m. A large proportion of older people eat earlier than this, around 5 p.m., which seems way too early for younger people, who generally eat later in the evening. 


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Editorial credit: igor kisselev / Shutterstock.

Digital deals and online advertising might be more common for younger people, but older people are still hanging on to their trusted coupons. Coupons offer special discounts and offers that will save you a few dollars for people shopping on a budget. According to Coupon Science, 70% of over 55 use paper coupons compared to 46% of 18-34-year-olds. 

Fold Clothes

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Editorial credit: Lucigerma / Shutterstock.

Not only do younger generations avoid ironing wherever possible, but they are also resistant to folding their clothes. They see little point in folding up their things neatly when they will likely be worn in a few days. Older people, however, have mastered the art of folding and like everything in the third closet to be in order. 

Use Cash Everywhere

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Editorial credit: RealPeopleStudio / Shutterstock.

Many older adults have used cash and feel comfortable and confident using it. Transitioning to new technology can be challenging, so older people often distrust using card payments the way younger people do. 

Having a Distrust of Debt

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Editorial credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

Financial attitudes can differ between generations, with older people potentially being more cautious about debt after a lifetime of being told to save before buying. Younger people, however, think that sometimes there is such a thing as good debt. In a business, borrowing money can lead to profit, and for personal finances, using credit cards can help build a good credit rating

Watching the News 

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Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

While younger people tend to get all their news from social media, older people stick to more traditional platforms. According to Statistica, 85% of adults over 65 get their news from the TV, which is a low statistic for young people who rarely watch regular TV. 

Taking Walks for Exercise

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Editorial credit: Fit Ztudio / Shutterstock.

Many younger people prefer gyms or structured workouts, as they like to schedule exercise into their week and know exactly what they are doing. Older people, on the other hand, are happy to walk as and when they feel like, with no need for a set routine. 

Appreciating Silence 

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Editorial credit: Perfect Wave / Shutterstock.

It is rare to see young people sitting in complete silence. They’re either plugged into their phones or listening to Java background music. Sitting in silence is an alien concept for young people, but older people appreciate the peace and quiet.

Employer Loyalty

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up in a period of relative economic prosperity and job security. The concept of a long career with one company was a path to financial stability and respectable status, something not many young people will have the luxury of experiencing. Younger people want to embrace new opportunities and not feel stuck in the same place. 

Formal Etiquette 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Older people adhere to traditional manners, and their dedication to social etiquette can be confusing to young people. For many young people, rules are there to be broken, so they don’t like to follow the crowd. 

Having a Strong Sense of Community and Connection to Neighbors

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Editorial credit: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.

Digital communication might have changed how younger people connect with their surroundings. Chatting with neighbors and people they barely know is not a comfortable activity. Older people, however, are passionate about creating a sense of community and making connections where they can offline. 

Catalog Shopping

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Editorial credit: Nirat.pix/ Shutterstock.

Boomers still love to order their clothes and household items from catalogs and shopping channels, much to the amusement of younger people. But, while young people might want to stick to online shopping, the TV shopping industry pulled in 22000 million dollars in 2021, according to Business Research Insights.  

Use Pay-Per-View

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Editorial credit: McLittle Stock / Shutterstock.

Pay-per-view was once popular for watching movies and sporting events at home. With the rise of streaming services, pay-per-view has become less common, and what is left is expensive to buy. That has not put off older people who still insist on buying one movie at a time rather than investing upfront for a month full of content.

Mending Clothes

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Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Instead of throwing out ripped clothes or socks with holes, older people grab their sewing kits and make do and mend. Younger people have not learned such skills and simply go out and buy a new item, much to the frustration of more frugal Boomers. 

Hoarding Family Heirlooms

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Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

Older people generally like to hold on to items passed down from generation to generation. Younger people living a minimal lifestyle can’t understand why they want to hang on to items that are not that pretty, gather dust, and are not likely to be worth much money. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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