Andrew Parker

18 Ways That Atheists Find Meaning in Death

Death doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, as some atheists’ ideas about what happens when we die are pretty creative. Since they’re not expecting a heavenly after-party, their views on the afterlife, or lack of it, can be quite refreshing. Let’s look at 18 interesting things some atheists do when they die.

Celebrating Life

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Editorial credit: Party people studio / Shutterstock.

Instead of having formal ceremonies, some atheists choose to have “celebrations of life.” These are events where friends and families get together to share funny stories and a few tears. They believe the focus shouldn’t be on saying goodbye but on remembering all the good times, so we’re thinking about the life lived instead of the end of it.

Nature Burials

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Editorial credit: Mabeline72 / Shutterstock.

Getting back to nature takes on a literal meaning with green burials, where people bury bodies without embalming chemicals and in biodegradable caskets. They want to leave as little an impact on the earth as possible by going out eco-friendly. Being buried this way is also good for the carbon cycle, which is great for the environment, too.

Non-Religious Traditions

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Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Some atheists create their own non-religious traditions to mark the transition from life to death. It could be as simple as a moment of silence or a night of sharing music. They might even have a group hike to scatter someone’s ashes. No matter what they do, they’re trying to celebrate someone’s life instead of following religious traditions.

Teaching Moments

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Lots of atheists see their own mortality as a chance to teach others, especially younger generations, about the importance of living ethically and fully. They’ll talk about their own deaths openly to remove the stigma and fear of it. They want to make it a natural part of our conversations as, after all, it’s a natural part of life.

No Ceremonies

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Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Other atheists skip the formalities altogether and will have no ceremony at all. They prefer to let their friends and family remember them in their own way, on their own time. They want to keep things simple and stress-free by allowing people to grieve and process their emotions in their own ways.

Celebrating Science

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Editorial credit: frank60 / Shutterstock.

Most atheists tend to be more scientifically minded, so they see death as a celebration of the life sciences that explain why we’re here. They might ask for readings about evolution or the stars at their memorials to show their amazement at the universe’s mysteries. If you ever attend one of these events, you’ll probably find yourself feeling more connected to human understanding and exploration than ever before.

Parting Words

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Editorial credit: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

Some atheists might prepare a final letter or video message for people to share once they’ve passed. It’s a way for them to have the last word and give some closure to those who are left behind, sharing thoughts or even a joke to lighten the mood. This personal farewell means they can speak to their loved ones one last time.

Living Through Projects

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Editorial credit: ITTIGallery / Shutterstock.

Many atheists choose to leave something ongoing that will benefit other people, whether by starting a scholarship or funding a community project. They want to keep their spirit and values in the world, even when they’ve gone beyond this mortal coil. Since these projects bring people together, they’re a great way to create a lasting and practical impact.

Music Master

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Editorial credit: Anzhelina / Shutterstock.

Music plays a big role in everybody’s life, and atheists are no different. They’ll choose specific songs for people to play after they’ve gone to keep their taste in music alive. It also allows them to share a piece of their personality with everyone who listens, creating an emotional and personal connection with everyone involved.

Sharing Wisdom

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Editorial credit: Triff/ Shutterstock.

Many atheists write down or record their life lessons so they can pass on all the wisdom they’ve learned from their experiences. Sharing this knowledge is, in a way, another form of immortality because it means they can guide future generations with their insights. As you might expect, these lessons become pretty important for their loved ones.

Creating Art

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Editorial credit: Max4e Photo / Shutterstock.

Commissioning a piece of art, like a sculpture or a mural, is another way some atheists try to leave a mark. Unlike some other methods, this is a visual way to show their life or values by creating a statement that stands the test of time. Their legacy becomes a public memory and a conversation starter in all the best ways.

Leaving Laughter

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Editorial credit: Anton_Ilchenko / Shutterstock.

Instead of making it a time to grieve, some atheists might plan for a comedy night in their honor so that they’re leaving laughter behind. It’s a night for people to share jokes, not sad words, celebrating the deceased’s life with smiles. They want everyone to remember the joy and laughter they brought into the lives of those around them.

Traveling in Style

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Editorial credit: potowizard/ Shutterstock.

We all love to travel, and some atheists will encourage loved ones to visit places they loved or dreamed of visiting as a kind of tribute to their lives. They want to pass on the joy of discovery and exploration to everyone else. This way, their friends and families can truly experience the world through their lives and understand them in a totally new way.

Writing Their Own Eulogies

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Editorial Credit: / Shutterstock.

Some atheists choose to write their own eulogies because it’s a way for them to take control of their final story. They want to say goodbye on their own time so that they’re remembered exactly as they wish to be. Who wouldn’t want that? This gives them a genuine version of their life and values that’s sure to help the people whom they leave behind.

Through the Trees

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Editorial credit: Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock.

You can also create a living representation of your life by planting a life for each year of your life, which will grow long after you’ve gone. It’s a living legacy that helps the environment and people around you in a truly beautiful way. These trees grow and change with each season, just like atheists did throughout their lives.

Simple Acts of Kindness

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Editorial credit: Lemon Tree Images / Shutterstock.

Other atheists prefer people to do kind things in their memory to leave a legacy, like donating to a charity or volunteering. This way, they can create something that spreads goodwill and compassion as their lasting footprint. It creates a sense of positive change that even the communities beyond them can feel.

Collecting Stories

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Editorial credit: Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock.

Before they go, some atheists ask friends and families to write down their favorite memories together, which they’ll turn into a book or a digital archive. This living document tells the stories of their life and relationships through the eyes of other people. Even future family members who have never met them can understand them by listening to those who love them most.

Personal Time Capsules

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Editorial credit: Andrzej Sowa / Shutterstock.

Most of us are defined by the things we own, and that continues even after we die. Some atheists will create personal time capsules with things that are important to them, like letters or photographs. Once they’ve finished, they’ll bury these capsules or store them safely for future generations to enjoy.

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