Andrew Parker

From Chaperones to Strict Curfews: 18 Old Dating Rules That Would Raise Eyebrows Today

When we think about dating today, it’s something filled with freedom and personal choice. But it wasn’t always this easy or straightforward, as there used to be so many rules about what you could or couldn’t do when dating. Let’s take a look at 18 dating rules from the past and why they’re so unbelievable. 

No Car Dates

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Editorial credit: nimito / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, parents were strict about car dates, and they’d rather have couples meet up directly at the movie theater or dinner instead. They worried that a car date might lead to some secret kissing or worse. Until they knew you were serious, you had to meet your date at the venue instead of taking them there.

Dress to Impress

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Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Throwing on a casual t-shirt and jeans for a date was a big red flag back then. Both guys and girls had to dress like they were off to a fancy shindig or a church Sunday service. The ladies had to wear elegant dresses, while the guys had to stick to sharp suits. Even if you were just grabbing a burger, you still had to look top-notch.

Hats Off

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Editorial credit: Anastasiya 99 / Shutterstock.

Similarly, it was completely normal for men to wear a hat, but knowing when to take it off was the most important of all. You had to remove your hat as soon as you went into a building or someone’s home because it was a sign of respect. If you didn’t take it off, you were basically telling everyone that you were a caveman.

Dance Cards

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

At dances, ladies actually had a physical card where guys would write their names for a time to dance with them. This way, the evening would be well-organized, and everyone would get a fair turn on the dance floor without anyone hogging the best dancer all night. Whoever you chose to dance with became a pretty big deal.

The Two-Day Rule

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Editorial credit: PhotoRedHeart / Shutterstock.

If you had a great date, you wouldn’t rush to call them the next day because the rule was that you had to wait two whole days to call. It was meant to show that you weren’t too desperate and that you were pretty casual. No matter how much you were into them, you had to stay calm and collected.

Meeting the Parents

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

You couldn’t go out on a date without having them meet your parents first because it gave your loved ones a chance to size up your date. They had to make sure this person was good enough for their kid before they could even go on a date together. The idea of choosing someone yourself just didn’t exist back then.

Love Letters and Poems

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Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.

Long before texting, love letters and poems were the way to tell someone you liked them. It was normal to pour your heart into your words while hoping the other person felt the same way. Thanks to instant messaging, writing a letter or poem to that special something has kind of lost its charm.

Stick to Your Date

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Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.

There was no such thing as switching dates in the middle of an event, no matter how much you didn’t like being around them. If you went with someone to a dance or party, you had to stick with them because even the idea of changing partners was scandalous. And if you were a woman, it was even worse.

Sunday Dates

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Editorial credit: travelview / Shutterstock.

Sunday was a day that was meant just for church and the family, which meant you couldn’t have a date. You had to visit the church on this day, and people didn’t take breaking this tradition lightly. For some people, it still is a day for community and reflection instead of personal enjoyment.

Ladies First

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

When ordering food in a restaurant, women always went first because it was a sign of respect and courtesy towards them. A man had to make his date feel respected and valued by playing the role of a considerate companion. Even if he was starving, he had to wait for the woman to choose first.

No Mixed Groups

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Editorial credit: Stock Rocket / Shutterstock.

Back then, hanging out in mixed-gender groups wasn’t the norm like it is today because dates were strictly one-on-one affairs. Of course, you had to bring a chaperone along, but that was it. The idea of going out with a bunch of friends, both guys and girls, would’ve been completely unthinkable.

Opening Doors

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Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

There’s a reason why we think of guys opening the door for women as chivalry because, in the past, it was the norm. It didn’t matter if you were going into the car or a restaurant because not letting a lady open the door was a rule. Every well-raised young man had to show off his upbringing with these manners.

Restricted Calling

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Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

You couldn’t just call someone up anytime you felt like chatting because there were specific hours to do it, which were usually after dinner and before 9 PM. Calling outside these hours was a big no-no because it was rude and intrusive. You had to respect the other household’s routine by sticking to these calling hours.

Necessary Gifts

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Editorial credit: 4 PM production / Shutterstock.

Today, showing up for a date with a bouquet seems like a romantic gesture, but it wasn’t always this way. In the past, men were expected to bring flowers on the first date and sometimes the ones that followed. It wasn’t meant to be a way to impress the woman but, in fact, just a gesture of good manners.

Bonding at the Movies

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Editorial credit: StockLite / Shutterstock.

Today, many people don’t think movies are a good first date, but back in the day, many people saw them as a socially acceptable way to sit closely with your date. You couldn’t talk during the film, so instead, you’d try to share the experience quietly. This way, couples could enjoy each other’s company in a low-pressure environment while also following basic etiquette rules.

Being Prompt 

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Editorial credit: Makistock / Shutterstock.

Although being on time is still a dating rule today, it was much more important in the past. Guys were expected to arrive on time, if not a bit early, and getting their date home on time was just as important. Doing so would show you were reliable and respected your date’s time, which would make a great impression on their parents.

No Whistling

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Editorial credit: LightField / Shutterstock.

In the movies, guys might whistle or shout up to their date’s window to get their attention, but that just wasn’t allowed in real life. Many people saw it as rude or disrespectful behavior. The proper thing to do was to walk up to the front door and knock, then wait patiently for someone to answer. If they didn’t, then too bad.

A Thank You Message

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Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

After a date, you had to send a thank you message the next day, even if you hated the entire experience. You could either write a note yourself or make a phone call to show that you were grateful for the evening you spent together. This way, the other person knew you were raised right and that you valued their time.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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