Andrew Parker

18 Bad Habits That Make Your Neighbors Hate You

Forget about those big parties or messy lawns because it’s not just those things that make you a bad neighbor. Sometimes, even the smallest things can rub people the wrong way and make you the talk of a town in a bad way. Let’s look at 18 neighborly no-nos to help you avoid being “that” person on your block.

Too Much Security

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Editorial credit: APChanel / Shutterstock.

We all want to feel safe in our home, but installing a dozen security cameras and having them face your neighbor’s yard or windows isn’t cool. You’re affecting their privacy and making them feel like they’re in a reality TV show. Instead, you should keep any security cameras focused on your own property so that you’re not overstepping your boundaries.

Wind Chimes

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Editorial credit: Alex Andrei / Shutterstock.

Wind chimes can make any garden seem a lot more peaceful. But a whole chorus of them? Not so much. If your porch sounds like a concert every time the wind blows, just think about how it makes your neighbors feel. Stick to just one or two tasteful chimes to make the sound a background whisper instead of a constant clang.

Lots of Large Gatherings

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Editorial credit: Milan Ilic Photographer / Shutterstock.

Of course, it’s always good to have your friends over, although you should make sure your house isn’t party-central every weekend because this can be a real drag for your neighbors. After all, if it’s not the noise, it’s the parking that becomes a nightmare. Keep the big bashes to a minimum, and you’ll do a lot better to keep the peace.

Fallen Fruit

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Editorial credit: Nitr / Shutterstock.

Keep an eye on any fallen fruit from your trees, as rotten fruit makes a huge mess. It’ll also attract bugs and pests that your neighbors definitely won’t appreciate. Regularly cleaning up will keep your yard fresh, and it’ll also show other people that you care just as much about the neighborhood, too.

Blocking the Scenery

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Editorial credit: Alena Laurentsik / Shutterstock.

If you have a fantastic view, remember that your neighbors do as well. Planting tall trees or building structures that block these shared views is certain to create hard feelings, so be a bit more considerate about what everyone else sees out their windows. A good view can make your day brighter, and keeping it clear lets people know you’re thinking about them.

Outdoor Lights

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Editorial credit: Virrage Images / Shutterstock.

Even though it’s easy to forget about them, the worst part of leaving your outdoor lights on 24/7 is that it’s a huge waste of electricity. But at the same time, it’s also annoying for anyone who notices those things. Be mindful of those little things, and you’ll save energy and your relationship with your neighbors.

Deadly Drones

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Editorial credit: Dmitry Kalinovsky / Shutterstock.

Anyone with a drone should be careful with where they fly them. After all, would you want to have one buzzing around your house, checking out your rooftop, or snapping pictures? You should keep your hobby high enough that it’s not invading your neighbor’s privacy or peace. Hobbies shouldn’t be a nuisance.

Unwanted Advice

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Editorial credit: Caftor / Shutterstock.

It’s great that you love gardening, but sharing unwanted advice about your neighbor’s yard might not be as helpful as you think. Unless they ask, try to keep your green thumbs tip to your own garden. Everyone should have the space to do their own thing because that’s what being a good neighbor is all about.

Yard Sales

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Editorial credit: Jerome Kundrotas / Shutterstock.

You really don’t want to look tacky in a yard sale, especially in front of your neighbors. The best way to avoid this is by not spreading your things all over the sidewalk or leaving unsold items out overnight. Keep it neat and wrap it up promptly, no matter how much effort it takes, so that everyone knows you respect the neighborhood.

Pesky Pets 

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Editorial credit: Sarawut sriphakdee / Shutterstock.

Pets are part of the family, but if yours loves to yap or howl, it’s a good idea to look into activities to keep them quieter. You might want to look at some training classes so they’ll be more engaged and help you live more peacefully. After all, everyone loves having a happy and well-behaved pet in the neighborhood.

Curb Appeal

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Editorial credit: Dariusz Jarzabek / Shutterstock.

Looking after the outside of your home involves a lot more than just keeping the grass trimmed because peeling paint and rusty gates make the whole block look rundown. Taking a little time to do some upkeep can go a long way to help your neighborhood sharp. It’ll also make everyone feel a lot better, especially since the property values will probably go up, too.

Messy Mailbox

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Editorial credit: MemoryMan / Shutterstock.

Leaving flyers or mail piled up in your mailbox just makes you seem sloppy. You need to keep things tidy so your neighborhood looks organized and nobody thinks you’re being lazy. Better yet, making sure your mailbox is clutter-free means that you won’t lose any of that important mail in the shuffle.

Spreading Weeds

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Editorial credit: Lia_Russy / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got weeds, then your neighbor probably does, too, thanks to those seeds blowing over the fence. You should keep your weeds in check with regular weeding to stop your garden issues from becoming a community issue. This way, people know you actually care about your property and other people.

Too Many Decorations

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Editorial credit: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

No matter how much you love celebrating Halloween, keep the decor fun instead of frightful, especially if there are lots of little kids in the neighborhood. Too much gore can be too much for them and also tells locals that you only care about yourself. Keep it light and fun so that everyone can enjoy the spooky season.

Ignoring Greetings

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

It might sound like nothing, but just taking the time to say “hi” or give a friendly nod can really help you build a better relationship with your neighbors. When you just rush in and out of your home, you’re telling them that you simply don’t care about them. Would you really want to be around someone who acts like this?

Balcony Rules

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Editorial credit: ArtOfPhotos / Shutterstock.

Don’t forget that what drips down from your balcony can end up on someone else’s space below. You should avoid shaking out rugs or watering plants without thinking about how it’s going to mess up your neighbor’s balcony. Remember to keep your conversations and music down, especially late at night or early in the morning.

Problems in the Pool

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Editorial credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock.

The community pool is for the community, and that means you need to respect the rules about sharing this space. Don’t take over the lounge chairs or play music that’s too loud because that’s just selfish. Everyone wants to enjoy their time and the sun, and you should be considerate of other people.

Lots of Leaves

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Editorial credit: Creative Family / Shutterstock.

Fall is certainly a beautiful season, but let’s not allow those leaves to pile up too much. When you let your yard get too messy, it can start to spill over into the street or your neighbor’s yard, making everyone’s house look messy. Giving it a quick rake will keep things looking tidy and cared for.

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