Mira Silverwood

22 Traits Common In Those Who Prefer Seclusion

Hearing the term “introvert” can conjure images of a timid, reclusive person who spends all their time indoors. In reality, while introverts may prefer seclusion, this doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting, well-rounded individuals. This personality type has a unique array of traits that differ from their extroverted counterparts. Here are 22 traits common in those who cherish their alone time. 

Viewed as Mysterious

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Spending so much time alone often makes introverts seem intriguing and shrouded in mystery. People often can’t understand why someone would prefer solitude over socializing and can’t picture their daily routine. 

Prefer Listening to Talking

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Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Introverts love investing time in other people’s emotions and make great active listeners. Instead of centering themselves as the life of an interaction, this personality type is happy to sit and listen. For this reason, introverts are the perfect friends to turn to in times of need or if you need to vent. 


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Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

Because they want to avoid being overwhelmed in social situations, introverts are incredibly observant. This means taking time to gauge someone’s true feelings by analyzing their tone of voice and physical cues. 

Lovers of Literature

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Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

For seclusion lovers, all that time spent alone is put to good use by reading literature or listening to audiobooks. Introverts often like nothing more than curling up with a good book, especially when winding down from a social event. 

Loathers of Small Talk

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Unlike extroverts, introverts don’t thrive on participating in small talk. They prefer more meaningful interactions that focus on deeper subject matters than the weather or someone’s lunch plans. 


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Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

It’s common for introverts to be highly independent, and they often react efficiently when life throws them a curve ball. Due to the amount of time spent alone, they don’t feel the need to rely or lean on others, except in times of true crisis. 

Happy in Silence

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Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Introverts tend to thrive more in quiet places than in noisy environments. While this doesn’t mean they prefer silence exclusively, they won’t object to giving their ears a break. Their most cherished environments might be at home, out in nature, or in quiet public spaces such as libraries. 


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Editorial credit: Anna55555 / Shutterstock.

Some of the world’s greatest artists were introverts in a time that wasn’t understanding of this personality type. Due to their introspective and observant nature, introverts usually have a creative flair, making talented painters, musicians, and writers.  

Viewed as Unreliable

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Most introverts can relate to making plans when they’re in the mood to socialize, only to cancel nearer the time. While many people view this as being unreliable, it’s usually because they feel overwhelmed by the prospect of a large gathering. 


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Those who have been misunderstood and labeled as shy are usually more open-minded than others, as they know how it feels to be judged. Oftentimes, introverts are open to new ideas, personality types, and topics of conversation.


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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Even though people can exhaust them sometimes, introverts are usually empathetic to the emotional needs of others. They’ll go to great lengths to understand how someone is feeling, suspend judgment, and try their best to help. 

They Respect Boundaries

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Editorial credit: Martin Novak / Shutterstock.

After years of being attacked for canceling plans or not going out, introverts are adept at respecting the boundaries of others. They know how it feels to have their boundaries questioned and wouldn’t do the same to their friends. 

They Hate Being the Center of Attention

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If you’re thinking of planning a grandiose surprise part for an introvert, think again. While they enjoy the odd social occasion, being in the spotlight is a huge no-no. They’ll likely feel overwhelmed and get exhausted quickly. 

They Need a Significant Amount of Time Alone

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Editorial credit: Farknot Architect / Shutterstock.

Introverts enjoy spending quality time with loved ones, but they need time to recharge after a social event. Their favorite way to relax is by spending time alone, whether it’s in their home or a tranquil outdoor environment. 


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Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

People who prefer solitude often have a highly active inner voice, thinking often and deeply about their perceptions or emotions. Because they spend a lot of time alone, introspection becomes second nature. 

They Prefer Long-Lasting Relationships 

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Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

Lovers of solitude often prefer to invest in deep, meaningful connections. Often having a small, close group of friends, introverts will put in the time and effort needed to cultivate long-term relationships. 


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Editorial credit: Moon Safari / Shutterstock.

Introverts often do well in roles that require them to examine the finer details. Preferring to work alone rather than in collaborative settings, introverts spend a lot of time crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s. They’re keen observers, and their attention to detail makes them ideal artists, inventors, and videographers. 

They Think Outside The Box

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Editorial credit: eldar nurkovic / Shutterstock.

As highly creative individuals, introverts love to think outside the box and find unique solutions to problems. They utilize this in professional settings, but also in their personal relationships, helping friends find creative ways to handle life’s stresses. 

Outdoor Lovers

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Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

There’s a misconception that introverts love nothing more than to spend time indoors, but this isn’t the case. As lovers of peace and solitude, introverts covet the great outdoors and enjoy exploring nature. They’re often avid hikers, runners, and national park explorers. 


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Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Those who cherish solitude are daydreamers by nature. They spend a lot of time in their own thoughts or cultivating their inner world and often have creative imaginations. As children, they may have been called daydreamers or “away with the fairies.”

Slow to Take Action

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Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Introverts might take longer to accept an invitation or agree to attend a social occasion. This can make them slower to take action than others, as they’re thinking deeply about each decision they make. But when they arrive at a decision, you can be sure it’s the right one. 

Viewed as Unfriendly 

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Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Sadly, many lovers of seclusion are viewed by others as guarded or unfriendly. This is mainly because they are quiet in social settings or cancel plans at the minute. But in reality, introverts are friendly people. They just take longer to warm up than their extroverted counterparts. If they’re not talking, it’s because they’re listening deeply to what someone is saying. 

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