Mira Silverwood

Old And Overlooked? 20 Reasons So Many Seniors Feel Invisible

Research shows that as people get older, they foster a more positive outlook on the world and lead contented lives. But for many seniors, aging comes with a creeping feeling that society undervalues them, deeming them worthless. From being left out of conversations to feeling overwhelmed by technology, myriad factors are causing older adults to feel unappreciated. Here are 20 reasons so many seniors feel invisible. 


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Editorial credit:megaflopp / Shutterstock.

Ageism is a global challenge that affects millions of seniors worldwide, and it’s no less pervasive here in America. Older people who experience discrimination based on their age are prone to loneliness, social isolation, and cognitive decline. 

Youth-Fixated Culture

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Editorial credit: Primakov / Shutterstock.

From TikTok and Instagram to shopping malls and Netflix shows, we live in a world fixated on young people. Everything seems to be catered towards Generation Z, and this can leave other age groups feeling left behind. Seniors, in particular, feel as though society undervalues them. 

Technology Struggles

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Editorial credit: ideadesign / Shutterstock.

Many older people feel overwhelmed by technological advances, expanding the already wide digital divide. With so much of society relying on technology, older generations feel that they can’t do anything in the traditional way, from writing letters to cashing a check. 

Lack of Community

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Editorial credit: Budimir Jevtic / Shutterstock.

Many communities have a distinct lack of venues catered towards seniors, such as restaurants, cafes, or leisure parks. This makes it increasingly hard for older people to access a community of like-minded individuals.

Social Isolation

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Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

Feeling like outsiders in society leads many seniors to withdraw socially, be unwilling to leave the house, and become more lonely by the day. Loneliness is often catalyzed by the death of a spouse, children moving away, or mobility issues. 

Discrimination in the Workplace

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

An increasing number of elders are feeling undervalued in the workplace, whether by their employers or younger colleagues. Many young people wrongly assume that seniors are unproductive and out of touch with the world rather than appreciating their wisdom and experience. 

Different Ways of Communicating

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Editorial Credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Nowadays, methods of communication are vastly different compared to the previous century. Handwritten letters and telephone calls have been replaced with texting, facetime, and social media. Many older people find it impossible to keep up with these changes in communication and may stop trying altogether. 


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Editorial credit: Maks_lab / Shutterstock.

It’s no secret that the media misrepresents older people, often contributing to harmful stereotypes in TV shows and films. According to one study, only one in three Baby Boomers felt accurately represented in the media. 

Different Values

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

These days, Millenials and Gen Z have completely different values compared to their parents and grandparents, creating a generational divide. Young people struggle to connect with elders and vice versa. 

Feeling Like a Burden

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Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

Seniors often feel a loss of dignity when they become dependent on others for self-care. Even if they are under the care of loved ones, this lack of independence undermines their pride and increases anxiety. This is often coupled with a fear of unaffordable health bills and worrying how they will pay for increasing care.

Declining Cognitive Health

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Editorial credit: Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, getting older increases our risk of developing conditions such as dementia or experiencing general memory loss. These memory issues require people to adapt how they speak to seniors, either by simplifying or slowing their speech. This can cause seniors to feel dismissed or patronized. 

Physical Changes

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Editorial credit: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

As we get older, our physical appearance naturally changes, revealing gray hairs, wrinkles, and sagging skin. While this happens to everyone, physical indicators of age can leave elders lacking in confidence. This is often made worse by society’s obsession with youth preservation, piling on the pressure to look younger than our years. 

Ignored in Social Settings

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Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Even a family gathering with well-meaning loved ones can cause seniors to feel invisible. Without realizing it, relatives might leave their grandparents out of dinnertime conversations, causing them to feel isolated. Hearing problems often contribute to this, leaving elderly people in a bubble of near-silence. 

Decline in Everyday Politeness

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Older generations were raised to be polite and courteous, particularly in public situations. But many seniors feel that society no longer values common courtesy, leaving them feeling alienated. Common courtesies such as opening doors for others and giving up seats for elders are becoming rarer. 

Challenging Transportation

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Editorial credit: Ivakoleva / Shutterstock.

With apps such as Uber replacing traditional taxis, many seniors without a car are facing transportation difficulties. Many in-person services are closing down due to a lack of demand, leaving older customers without a way to get out and about.

Changing Lingo

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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Keeping up with the youth of today is becoming increasingly hard, especially as they have a language of their own. Many elders feel unable to communicate with younger relatives because they cannot understand the phrases and text talk used in conversations. 

Healthcare Hurdles

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Editorial credit: JPC-PROD / Shutterstock.

Many seniors feel ignored in medical environments as well as social settings. It’s more common for someone over 60 to have their health concerns ignored and symptoms dismissed. Medical professionals may carry unconscious age bias into their clinics, assuming an older patient’s symptoms are just “a part of getting old.” 

Reduced Sense of Purpose in Retirement

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Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

When you’ve spent your adult life cultivating a career, retirement can leave you feeling aimless. Unsure of how to spend their days, many retirees experience a nosedive in their mental and physical well-being. 

Dating Challenges

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Editorial credit: Viktoriia Hnatiuk / Shutterstock.

Whether they’ve lost a spouse or been through a divorce, more seniors than ever are entering retirement single. But with modern dating increasingly online, many older people feel out of the loop and unsure of how to pursue romance. This can be exacerbated by mobility issues and a lack of community gatherings. 

Modern Banking

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Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

In the good old days, anyone wanting to transfer money, cash a check, or withdraw earnings would visit their bank in person. However, with the invention of online banking, many seniors are at a loss when it comes to managing their finances.

Hearing Loss

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Editorial Credit: thodonal88 / Shutterstock.

Hearing loss and partial deafness are common among older people and are one of the leading causes of feeling invisible. Those who are hard of hearing have trouble keeping up with conversations, watching TV, or speaking to loved ones on the phone.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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