What Is A Content Management System?

CMSA CMS makes it easy to build a website

A content management system,often referred to as CMS, is a program that makes it easy for non techies to organize and manage web content. This is great because it makes maintaining a website simple and affordable.

In the past you had to handover to a programmer your written content who would then convert it into computer language. Sometimes by accident,your beautiful formatting ,layout and style got lost. This process was very time consuming and expensive.

Today,thanks to the advent of the?WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors that offer simple ways to bold,underline or use italics?and content management systems, you don’t need a degree in computers to create a website. If you know how to send an email then you can create a web page.

CMS’s can be found as free open source programs or can cost many thousands of dollars for commercial proprietary products. I recommend WordPress which can be easily used as a CMS to run a website. A CMS is a huge advantage to a small business or organization that does not have a big budget for IT.?It simplifies the process and puts your site back into your hands allowing you to do what is important; creating quality content.

WordPress is a free blog and CMS software

wordpress logo with globeSo what exactly is WordPress?

WordPress is an open source (free) blog software that also is a very good CMS at the same time. It makes it easy for anyone to setup,maintain and manage a website without advanced training is website development. Since WordPress is open source it is maintained by a huge community of developers constantly improving the system and adding features by means of software plugins.

WordPress lets you create pages (standalone content) and posts (time driven content) to build out your site.You can manage the look and feel of your site by using themes. These are custom designs that control how things are laid out and organized. WordPress is highly customizable so it can be used for any type of website.

WordPress is the most used CMS in the world

Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power their sites from mom and pop businesses right up to large corporations. WordPress has a market share of over 57% of the CMS market. Its closest rivals are far behind. Joomla is second with about 10% share, then Drupal at 6% and Blogger at 3.5%. The rest of the market is made up of a long list of also-rans .

So when you embark on building a website you will have made the best technical decision in choosing WordPress. I have tried both Joomla and Drupal and they are both a lot harder to master than WordPress.

Want to start building a WordPress site for free. Read my review of the best way.


Need Help? Just to prove I was actually in Paris?If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below or contact me through my Wealthy Affiliate profile . I would like to hear from you and help you. I try to respond within 24 hours.

Mike founder of The Wealthy Boomers

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