Mary Anna Thomas

24 Actions and Attitudes the Bible Discourages

The Bible provides an array of advice, from the smallest matters to the loftiest principles, as a code to live by. To absorb God’s word, Christians must interpret his disapproval of things, both in terms of inward feelings and outward actions. Here are 25 things the Holy Book Discourages. 


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The Bible states that envy is an ugly emotion resulting from inherent human sin. To overcome jealousy, The Bible encourages readers to remember that we are all unique and that God didn’t create us to be like someone else. 


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Greed is usually associated with material wealth, but as The Bible warns, it can manifest in many forms and lead to our destruction. God discourages all kinds of greed, from craving more fame and possessions to chasing compliments. 


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While The Bible doesn’t mention gambling specifically, various passages condemn obsessing over money. Because “wealth gained hastily will dwindle,” Christians often consider gambling as a form of greed and, therefore, sin. 


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Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

With arrogance, pride, and haughtiness mentioned over 200 times in the Holy Book, it’s fair to say that God discourages a high opinion of oneself. Jesus taught his followers to put others before themselves; arrogance clearly opposes this. 


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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The Bible considers scheming a form of wickedness and recommends that those who plot against others be punished. Many characters in The Bible were prone to evil schemes, and none of them got away with them. 


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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

One of the Bible’s most fervent teachings is to avoid dishonesty. It reminds us that those who lie will be unhappy and sacrifice their relationships and closeness to God. 

Breaking Promises

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Editorial Credit: Cat Act Art / Shutterstock.

Bible verses warn believers to tread carefully when making and breaking promises. While we might not mean to break a promise, God encourages us to learn from our mistakes and understand the weight of our words. 

Disobeying Parents

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The Bible is clear regarding disobeying authority figures, including parents. Several verses explain God’s disapproval of going against our parents and the distress it causes for both parties. 


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Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich/ Shutterstock.

Maintaining peace is one of Christianity’s fundamental tenets, which means troublemakers are frowned upon in scripture. Causing division between others and making mischief is discouraged, with proverbs advising readers to avoid such people. 


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Editorial credit: Evgeniia Freeman / Shutterstock.

The topic of laziness is discussed throughout The Bible, and you might’ve heard it referred to as “Sloth.” While God isn’t against having a lie-in or taking time to rest, he encourages believers to stay active and not let life pass them by. 


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Editorial credit: Cristina Conti / Shutterstock.

The Bible tells us that hypocrisy is a sin and that acting contrary to our beliefs is wrong. Before we judge others, humans should practice humility and self-reflection to avoid hypocrisy. 


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While God rewards humility, modesty, and fairness, he condemns pride. We can be proud of our achievements, but we should never believe we are more important than others. This self-importance will only lead us to commit more sins and is closely linked to greed and arrogance. 


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Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

The Bible doesn’t mince its words when it comes to adultery, stating that extra-marital relations are sinful. Infidelity is a serious offense that sacrifices the sanctity of marriage, and it isn’t limited to physical acts. Emotional infidelity and looking at another with lust are also condemned.


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Editorial credit: Keep Smiling Photography / Shutterstock.

The Bible reminds us that to hate means to be filled with poison and bitterness. God encourages us to replace hate with love to protect ourselves and others. 


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Editorial credit: Pattysan / Shutterstock.

Overindulgence in food or drink might make us feel ill, but as The Bible says, it can indicate more severe problems. In Genesis, Gluttony leads to a curse that plunges humans into a state of misery. So, if we become Gluttons, we could sacrifice our happiness and growth. 

Neglecting People In Need

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Helping those less fortunate than us is a well-known piece of biblical advice. God encourages us to be charitable where possible, so he disapproves of those who neglect the needs. 

Missing Sunday Service

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While it’s not sinful to skip the occasional service, the Bible says we shouldn’t make this habit. For Catholics, missing mass on Sunday without just reason is a more severe offense, and it won’t keep them in the lord’s good books. 


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Regarding stealing, the Bible packs no punches in its message. Theft is wrong in every scenario and is never condoned by the Lord, who teaches that those who steal must be punished. “Thou shall not steal” is even one of the Ten Commandments. 


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Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

While the Bible isn’t against having a few drinks, drunkenness can lead to many sins. “Being enslaved to wine” causes several issues, from indecency and self-destructive behavior to a full-blown addiction. 


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Editorial credit: Monika Wisniewska / Shutterstock.

We’ve all heard of the Salem Witch Trials, but what does the Bible say about the practice of dark magic? The holy book has a lot to say about witches, black magic, and necromancy. Several verses condemn witchcraft and its various cousins, urging Christians to avoid practitioners. 


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Editorial credit: godongphoto / Shutterstock.

Idolatry means worshipping anything or anyone other than God and is regularly described as sinful by the Bible. After all, there should only ever be one true God in the eyes of Christians, and anything else is a distraction. 


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Editorial credit: Khosro / Shutterstock.

The Bible frequently discourages having an overly high opinion of oneself. Nothing good can come from vanity, selfishness, and the need to put one’s own needs above others. Instead, God teaches us to practice humility and not to heighten our own interests.  


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Editorial credit: Michel Wolgemut / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

With numerous biblical figures having multiple wives, people assume that God condones Polygamy. But this couldn’t be further from the truth, as God never permitted or approved having more than one spouse. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

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Image Credit:Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

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