Good Website Building

websitesSo you would like to build a website.

Maybe you want to build a website for yourself covering a niche topic? Maybe you want to build a site for a friend, relative, or for a local business? The Wealthy Boomers can you. Whatever your motivation is the task of constructing one is much easier than it was a few years ago. Tools and platforms are available that make building a site almost foolproof. And a professional looking web site can be built by yourself with little effort or technical knowhow.

Planning on starting a website, then please read on ….

The Most Important Attributes Of A Quality Website?

Good Website Building 1

Your website represents your very own presence on the internet. It needs to housed at hosting provider, one that can provide?secure and reliable service. The hosting service must also deliver your pages quickly and efficiently to your visitors. These are the important attributes that make the difference between a low quality and a high quality website.

  • Fast response time and quick web page delivery
  • A professional design and look
  • Simple site navigation
  • Built with a Content Management System or CMS for short (see following section on CMS)
  • Quality site content that is informative and helpful to the reader

If the above five points can be accomplished you will have a successful site ready to become profitable to you. To build a site I recommend WordPress. Leveraging the WordPress platform will make it easily possible to build a great site.

The WordPress Content Management System
Good Website Building 2

I recommend WordPress because it the most widely used framework to build websites. Literally millions of sites worldwide have?been build with WordPress. In fact this site and all my others were built with it.

Not that long ago before the advent of CMS platforms (there are others besides WordPress) I had to code HTML, JAVA, XML and bunch of other technical alphabet soup. ?I didn’t want to be a nerd or geek, but I was kind of forced to have this skill in order to create websites. But thankfully these technical barriers have been removed with CMS systems like WordPress

Here are a few benefits of using WordPress.

  • ?No knowledge of coding HTML and so on required
  • Easy to set up a site in literally minutes
  • One button installs available from providers such as Wealth Affiliate
  • Thousands of templates available for giving your site the look you want
  • Because of its market penetration there is a huge support community available ?to help you
  • One step installation of over ten thousand add ons to enhance your site.

So I think it is obvious why I have building my websites over the past couple of years with WordPress.In fact I am going to show you how you can do this ?youself in very little time at all.

You too can build a WordPress website right now for …… FREE!

I have found this video that illustrates just how simple it is to build a fully functional website in minutes. View the video now…..?

Watch Video To See How Fast You Can Build A Website

If you want to go ahead with building your own website, I am here to to help you. But you must take the following action.

  1. Sign up for your free Wealthy Affiliate account (?here is?my review?).

  2. Watch this video
  3. Build your site

And bingo! You have a WordPress built site of your very own.

Just to prove I was actually in Paris

Need Help with your websites? See this section of our site.

Just ?ask! ?If you need a hand with anything that I have discussed here, please leave a comment below?0r?contact me through my?Wealthy Affiliate profile?.

Mike founder of?The Wealthy Boomers








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