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25 Quirks of Catholic Culture That People Struggle To Understand

Mira Silverwood

As one of the oldest religions, Catholicism is more than just a set of beliefs; it’s a complex culture and a way of life. Since its creation over 2,000 years ago, Catholic culture has developed plenty of strange, unique quirks that outsiders struggle to understand. Here are 25 quirks of Catholic culture that still puzzle … Read more

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20 Catholic Beliefs That Aren’t in the Bible

Andrew Parker

Catholics believe in many things, but did you know that some of them aren’t even in the Bible? It’s weird to think there are so many traditions and ideas that have completely changed the face of Catholicism, yet there’s technically no basis for them in scripture. Of course, that doesn’t make them any less impressive, … Read more

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25 States Where Public Education Is Failing

Andrew Parker

Across America, several states have been suffering from falling education standards because of many issues, like student performance. But in some states, the issues are worse than others. Here are 25 states that are struggling with a decline in public education and the reasons behind this.  California In California, teachers are juggling huge classes, and … Read more

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25 Social Issues Gen Z are Determined to Cancel

Andrew Parker

Gen Z isn’t exactly a shy generation, and they’re pretty keen on shaking things up. Many of them are questioning things we think are absolutely normal in our world because they think these things shouldn’t exist anymore. Here are 25 things Gen Z wants to cancel. The Old 9-to-5  Why stick to the old 9-to-5 … Read more

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