Andrew Parker

25 States Witnessing a Surge in Residents Leaving Permanently

A lot of states have recently been dealing with a huge number of people leaving them. But what’s going on? There are quite a few reasons for this, including economic opportunities and lifestyle preferences. Here are 25 of those states that are affected and the reasons behind these shifts.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

California is well-known for having sky-high living costs, including pricey housing and costly utilities. As a result, many people don’t think they can stay much longer. And then you’ve got the traffic and overcrowding that add to the stress, making quieter and cheaper places much more appealing.

New York

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Editorial credit: Zack Frank / Shutterstock.

New York, and especially New York City, is seeing lots of people leaving for more room. The cramped and expensive city life is pushing them towards places that are more spacious and affordable. They want bigger homes and a better quality of life, which is hard to get in a city like NYC.


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Editorial credit: BestStockFoto / Shutterstock.

Illinois is currently facing a lot of economic problems, like job availability and tax rates, which are driving people to look for better opportunities elsewhere. The state is also dealing with a huge pension crisis that’s making the future look uncertain. This is pushing young professionals and families to look for a better sense of stability elsewhere.

New Jersey 

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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

In New Jersey, high property taxes have become a major issue for the residents, and it’s pushing them to move to a more tax-friendly state. If that’s not bad enough, they’ve also got to deal with a pretty high cost of living. All of these financial pressures make other states with lower taxes very appealing.


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Editorial credit: BestStockFoto / Shutterstock.

In Massachusetts, the biggest reason people are moving out of the state is the weather. After all, dealing with snow and cold for most of the year can wear you down pretty easily, and it’s making sunnier states seem like a great alternative. They’re also looking for greater job opportunities, which they can’t find in the state.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Connecticut is dealing with a declining job market in some key industries. This is pushing residents to relocate for better job prospects elsewhere. Opportunities in manufacturing and other service sectors are shrinking quite a bit, so anyone looking for a stable or well-paying job should probably look elsewhere.


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Editorial credit: SevenMaps / Shutterstock.

You know it’s a bad day in Maryland when you’re stuck in traffic that feels like it’s lasting forever. Many Marylanders are ditching the long commutes and moving to places where they don’t spend half their lives in a car. After all, does anyone want to spend more time with their dashboard than their family?


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

In Pennsylvania, it feels like something’s always under construction or needs fixing, which is a real pain. Dealing with these repairs and outdated public systems is enough to drive anyone crazy, so it’s no surprise people are heading for places with better infrastructure. They’re looking for smoother rides and less hassle.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

Ohio used to be one of the leading industrial states, but not anymore. As factories have shut down and companies have cut back, the number of job opportunities has massively reduced, and it’s pushed Ohioans to look for work elsewhere. It’s hard for anyone to see their hometown slow down, so looking for opportunities elsewhere just makes sense.


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Editorial credit: Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock.

Unlike some other states, the biggest threat in Louisiana isn’t human. It’s Mother Nature. Living here, you never know when the next storm’s going to hit, and the constant cycle of rebuilding and repairing has become a headache. More and more people are looking for a break from the stress of constant weather alerts, and they’re moving elsewhere.


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Editorial credit: Bennian / Shutterstock.

The weather in Michigan can get literally freezing, and not everyone’s cut out for the winter wonderland lifestyle. A lot of retirees are swapping their snow boots for sandals by moving to a sunnier place. After all, bad weather isn’t just annoying, but it can take a pretty big toll on your mental health.


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Editorial credit: Rex Lisman / Shutterstock.

Yes, Alaska looks beautiful, but the extreme weather here makes everyday life difficult. Not everyone wants to deal with freezing temperatures and being so far away from everything. And, according to some studies, over 50% of native Alaskans have moved out, so it’s clearly a big problem.


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Editorial credit: Denis Kvarda / Shutterstock.

Most people think Hawaii is like paradise, and while that’s true, the day-to-day isn’t quite as laid-back as you might think. If it’s not the high cost of living, then it’s the lack of space that’s causing major problems. Lots of people are moving to the mainland for the promise of cheaper groceries and space to actually breathe.

Rhode Island

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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

If you’re not looking to spread out too much, then Rhode Island is great. When you’re dreaming of something a little bigger, you might need to look beyond state lines. Plenty of Rhode Islanders are eyeing up some bigger places where they’ve got more room to feel comfortable.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

Sadly, in Indiana, the biggest reason people are moving away is because of the healthcare system, as getting a doctor’s appointment is way more difficult than it needs to be. After all, healthcare shouldn’t feel like a luxury. Unfortunately, this is only making the problem worse because the state is currently dealing with a lack of nurses.

West Virginia

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Editorial Credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

West Virginia’s school scene can be a bit hit or miss, so parents who want their kids to get top grades are moving elsewhere. Reports show that many students in the state aren’t doing as well as those in other areas. These educational issues are causing other problems like poverty, making for a pretty vicious cycle.


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

It’s not exactly easy to breathe in Kentucky, and it’s not because of the space. In industrial areas like Louisville, air pollution is a big problem, and checking the air quality levels is just as normal as checking the weather. So, it’s no surprise families have decided they’d like to move somewhere where going outside doesn’t come with a health warning.


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Editorial credit: f11photo / Shutterstock.

In Missouri, crime rates in places like St. Louis are higher than the national average, which is pushing people to move elsewhere. This rate includes violent crime and property crime. After all, would you want to live somewhere where the nightly news sounds like a crime drama? We didn’t think so.


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Editorial credit: SevenMaps / Shutterstock.

If you’re looking for a place that mixes things up a bit, then you should probably avoid Vermont. A lot of young people are leaving the state for urban places that have more cultural diversity. They’re looking for a community where every day doesn’t feel the same, and they can have more experiences.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, Oregon was a hot spot for people to move to. But now? Ever since the pandemic, the state’s been suffering from a lot of people moving out, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping anytime soon. People are looking for cheaper homes and better tax rates, which they can’t find in Oregon.


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Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

Like Indiana, the healthcare system in Mississippi is in a bit of a state. The difference in healthcare for the rich and poor is also growing. More and more people are looking for places where going to the doctor won’t break the bank, and they can afford to get medication. 


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Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

Dealing with tornados isn’t for the faint of heart, especially in Oklahoma, where the weather can go from zero to sixty in a few seconds. With climate change getting worse, the risk of extreme weather is also becoming higher. It’s no surprise people are looking for calmer skies elsewhere.


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Editorial credit: Esme / Shutterstock.

As the agricultural industry evolves, not everyone in Nebraska is finding the old ways work so well. Small-scale farmers are being replaced by large-scale agricultural businesses. It’s causing some people to move to places where farming is a little more futuristic instead of behind the times. 


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Editorial credit: Leo_nik / Shutterstock.

Montana definitely has a lot of open space, but that’s also become a bit of a problem because the internet and cell service are a little spotty. For the younger generation, tech is a need, not a want, and they’re moving to urban areas where they can stay connected. It’s a really sad state of affairs.


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Editorial credit: Wangkun Jia / Shutterstock.

You can’t deny that Maine is charming, but that’s enough to keep its younger residents who are dealing with an increasingly aging population and fewer social opportunities. These younger people are moving to bigger cities where they can have a social life. Beyond that, they’re also looking for a chance to grow, both personally and professionally.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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