Mary Anna Thomas

21 Habits Often Associated With Having a Lower Social Status

Every culture has its own social norms, with unwritten rules for behaving in different situations. These norms can influence everything from how we dress to how we speak, often setting us apart from people with different backgrounds. Here, we take a look at 21 signs that someone has a lower social status.

They are Resourceful

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Editorial credit: ADragan / Shutterstock.

People who grew up with little money quickly learned how to make their budget stretch. They would have watched their parents reuse and recycle and would think of creative ways to have fun with the toys that they had in the house. 

They Have a Strong Work Ethic

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Editorial credit: Moon Safari / Shutterstock.

Working-class jobs often require a lot of elbow grease and long hours. Gallop’s research suggests that some Americans work 47 hours per week, so blue-collar workers know how to work hard. 

Direct Communication Style

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock

Some working-class communities might simply have social norms that favor directness. In the workplace, the focus is on staying on track and getting things done, so clear and concise communication is essential.

Community Focus

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Communities with low social status understand one another’s struggles and will pull together whenever they can. Whether it is supporting a neighbor financially or being a shoulder to cry on when things get tough, working-class people know the value of community cohesion. 

They’re Hands On

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Editorial credit: Audio und werbung / Shutterstock.

In some low-income communities, there might be a greater emphasis on practical skills that can be directly applied to jobs or everyday tasks. This could involve learning about repairs, maintenance, or working with tools.

Good at DIY

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

The average cost to hire a handyman in the U.S. is between $177 and $691, which is out of reach for most low-income families. This means that people from working-class backgrounds have to take care of their homes themselves, learning various DIY skills throughout their lives. 


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Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Working-class families may need more financial resources to rely on, so they have to find solutions when they are short of money. These skills are passed down from generation to generation, and self-reliance is instilled at a young age.

They Speak Conversationally

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Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Not everyone from a working-class background will speak conversationally, but people working and living together in close-knit environments might develop a shared understanding of language and terminology.

They Appreciate Simple Pleasures

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Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

With little money to buy luxury items, people from lower-class backgrounds appreciate the simple pleasures in life. They may not be able to afford expensive concert tickets, but they love to dance at home with their family, and they can make a feast on a budget rather than splashing out at fancy restaurants. 

Struggles With Health

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Editorial credit: Tinakorn Tankkanganasri / Shutterstock.

For many low-income families, healthcare is a struggle. With no healthcare insurance, some people from lower social classes ignore symptoms of poor health as they cannot afford to visit a doctor or buy medication. 

Strong Family Values

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Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Families have to work together to care for one another, so working-class people are often very close to their family members. This could involve looking after siblings while parents go to work or chipping in for a special birthday celebration. 

Multigenerational Living

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Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

According to the Pew Research Center, a quarter of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 live in multigenerational households. This is common in working-class families as children do not have the means to rent a place on their own. Some children stay at home to look after aging parents who cannot afford healthcare or assisted living. 

They Have a Direct Approach to Conflict

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Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

Rather than skirt around issues, people from a lower-class background often get straight to the point to resolve problems. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and tell people how things are, as they don’t have time to mess about. 

They Value Leisure Time

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Editorial credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.

Leisure time is often scarce for people from working-class backgrounds. After working long hours during the week, any downtime at the weekend is highly prized. For those facing financial challenges or demanding work schedules, leisure time can provide a mental escape from daily pressures. 

Comfort in Traditional Values

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Traditional values can offer clear expectations and a well-defined social structure. This can be comforting in working-class lives that might face economic uncertainty. Families’ values and a good work ethic guide people through life when they have little else to rely on. 

Supportive of Underdogs

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Editorial credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Working-class people can relate to others going through struggles and often feel frustrated by the upper classes. This means that most working-class people will support the underdog as they want to see them succeed. 

Great at Teamwork

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Working-class people value communities and working together to reach a common goal, so they are often great at teamwork. A strong work ethic is often associated with working-class backgrounds. In a team setting, this translates to individuals being reliable, putting in the effort, and contributing their share to the project.

Good Storytellers

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Editorial Credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

In some working-class communities, storytelling might be a more prominent form of communication and entertainment than formal writing. This can lead to a stronger emphasis on oral storytelling skills.


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Editorial credit: Nenad Aksic / Shutterstock.

Research by the American Psychological Association indicates that children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to drop out of school. This means that many working-class Americans are self-taught, learning skills along the way with whatever job they can get. 

Comfortable Using Public Transport

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Editorial credit: AstroStar / Shutterstock.

People from lower social statuses don’t always have the luxury of relying on cars, so they are adept at using public transport. While it can be difficult to get around in rural areas without a car, getting around a city is no problem for working-class people. 

Financially Independent 

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Editorial credit: JasaStyle / Shutterstock.

There is a misconception that people of lower socioeconomic status are financially dependent on others. While they need to borrow money now and again, working-class people have to budget for every cent, so they are more financially literate than many people. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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