Articles for author: Thomas Robinson

Prominent Trends and Dating Habits Among Gen Z, According To Hinge

The dating habits of Gen Zs are a mystery to some and a wonder to others. However, their dating habits aren’t always as straightforward as we think. According to Business Insider, today’s young adults, especially young women, increasingly find romance in their friendship groups rather than online dating apps. In this survey, 43% of people ...

21 Everyday Actions That Reveal Who Someone Really Is

Have you ever wondered just what makes someone tick? Or why your gut screams “run” when a certain person walks into the room? Well, we’ve got the answers for you! Today, we’re looking at the 21 tell-tale signs that show who someone really is, for better or for worse. How They Treat Service Staff You ...

Decade-Long Study Reveals the Impact of Religion on Cognitive Health

After a decade, a study into the relationship between religious practices and cognitive decline in older adults has finally reached its conclusion. Previously, people believed that being religious might protect them from cognitive issues later in life. However, the study’s findings were far different from that.  Understanding Religiosity  ‘Religiosity’ covers various behaviors, beliefs, and spiritual ...

19 Reasons Men Decide to End Relationships

When a man suddenly ends a relationship, finding closure can be a challenging experience, as it leaves many unanswered queries and lingering feelings to come to terms with. The absence of a chance to talk about the problems or seek clarification can foster prolonged frustration, resentment, and uncertainty about oneself. Hence, exploring the potential reasons ...

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