Articles for category: Retirement

How to Make Extra Money When You’re Underemployed

How to Make Extra Money When You're Underemployed 1

If you’re like many Americans, you might be underemployed or working fewer hours than you’d like. You’ve been affected by a layoff, or you can’t find the full-time work you need to make ends meet. Whatever the reason, if you’re looking for ways to bring in some extra money, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are … Read more

8 Steps for Empty Nesters Moving Closer to Their Children: Your Guide to a Smooth Transition

8 Steps for Empty Nesters Moving Closer to Their Children: Your Guide to a Smooth Transition 3

For empty nesters, this phase of life is a time of reflection, change, and often, new beginnings. As our children grow up and establish lives of their own, the pull of familial bonds and the desire for close relationships can be the catalyst for contemplating a move. Being nearer to our adult children not only … Read more

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