Articles for author: Mike Gaudreau

Mike Gaudreau

4 Benefits of Using a Personal Finance App

Keeping track of your finances can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if you’re a senior with multiple accounts, own a business, or are struggling to reach your financial goals. Personal finance apps are helpful tools that allow you to monitor your accounts, set and maintain a budget, and improve your relationship with money. Today, The Wealthy ...

Planning for a Post-COVID-19 Business

The economy and the business world has completely been turned on its head in recent weeks and months. We have all seen the impact that COVID-19 has brought in a variety of aspects of our lives, all unprecedented. Although many businesses plan for change and some unknowns, nobody expected this. The pandemic will reshape how ...

My First Few Days At Wealthy Associate

So I have been a full member for several days now and have started two websites already. One is within the Certification courses where I have stopped training after the first 2 phases of training awaiting some traffic before I continue with the remaining training. But I will be adding content according to a publication ...

How To Retain Your Celebrated Staff

When you have a great staff to work with, the last thing you want to see is them leaving for other businesses. We want to retain the talent we have, sometimes because they love working with them, sometimes because they have trained and invested in them, sometimes because they do great things for the company. ...

5 Essential Website Design Mistakes To Avoid

How can people be making website design mistakes these days? Website design software is everywhere, and so are website design companies. You can even design your own website for free, if you so desire, on many different site builders. Considering the many options that exist, it’s completely understandable that small business owners often feel a ...

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