Articles for category: Marketing Strategy, Wellbeing

5 Thoughts on How Word-of-Mouth Marketing Can Help You Become the Market’s Go-To Expert

5 Thoughts on How Word-of-Mouth Marketing Can Help You Become the Market's Go-To Expert 2

Do you want to become the go-to authority in your niche for your target audience? You can use a variety of marketing tactics to do this, but word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective and efficient. At its most basic level, word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) is free advertising that occurs when a customer has a positive experience … Read more

Why It’s Important to Establish Customer Relationships and How It Can Result in More Sales

Why It’s Important to Establish Customer Relationships and How It Can Result in More Sales 3

Small businesses know—more than anyone else that the customer is always right. While large corporations have the numbers on their side and can rely on a certain number of sales regardless of customer satisfaction, small businesses must build and maintain a good reputation to stay afloat. That’s where customer relationships come in. Ensuring that your … Read more

5 Factors Senior Marketers Should Consider When Starting an Online Business

5 Factors Senior Marketers Should Consider When Starting an Online Business 4

Are you one of those senior marketers looking to venture into the world of online business? There are 5 important factors you need to consider. Understanding your target audience, choosing the right e-commerce platform, developing a comprehensive marketing strategy, building a strong brand identity, and ensuring effective customer support and communication are all crucial elements … Read more

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